Webs of Influence: The Psychology Of Online Persuasion, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson Business (February 9, 2017) © 2017

  • Nathalie Nahai

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With the majority of commercial transaction now happening online, companies of all shapes and sizes face an unprecedented level of competition to win over and retain new business.

In this second edition of Webs of Influence, Nathalie Nahai brings together the latest insights from the world of psychology, neuroscience and behavioural economics to explain the underlying dynamics and motivations behind consumer behaviour.

This book will show you how to apply specific principles to improve your marketing, products and websites, enabling you to engage with your customers in a more meaningful way.

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 The psychology of decision-making
  • 3 Who are you targeting?
  • 4 Cultural quirks
  • 5 Individual differences
  • 6 Basic principles
  • 7 Optimising your website
  • 8 Selecting the right images
  • 9 The psychology of colour
  • 10 Social media and customer service
  • 11 Designing persuasive videos
  • 12 Influence: An introduction
  • 13 Principles of online persuasion
  • 14 Increase your sales
  • 15 Pricing and value
  • 16 The behaviour chain

Nathalie Nahai is a web psychologist, international speaker and consultant. Having worked with Fortune 500 companies including Unilever, Google and Harvard Business Review, she helps businesses apply scientific rigour to their website design, content marketing and products.

Nathalie presents at conferences around the world on the science of online persuasion, and contributes to national publications, TV and radio on the subject. She also sits on the Social Media Week advisory board and Ogilvy Change experts’ panel.

You can tweet her @NathalieNahai and find out more at nathalienahai.com.

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