Warm Air Heating for Climate Control, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (August 2, 2002) © 2003

  • William B. Cooper
  • Raymond E. Lee Macomb Community College
  • Martin B. Sirowatka Macomb Community College
  • Raymond A. Quinlan
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For one/two-semester, beginning/intermediate-level courses in Forced Air Heating (using gas, fuel oil, electricity, and heat pump fuel sources).

This text offers a complete guide to the installation, maintenance, and service of gas, oil, and electric forced warm air heating and heat pump systems. It explores—in great detail—a large base of newer as well as traditional equipment, using the principles and practices of older furnaces as a means of understanding the newer, electronically controlled, high-efficiency furnaces. It explores, in detail, the operation and diagnosis of controls—from the thermocouple to the SmartValve®—and provides a complete overview of all aspects of residential and light commercial heating.

 1. Climate Control.

 2. Safety Analysis and Identification.

 3. Combustion and Fuels.

 4. Parts Common to All Furnaces.

 5. Components of Gas-Burning Furnaces.

 6. Basic Electricity and Electrical Symbols.

 7. Schematic Wiring Diagrams.

 8. Using Electrical Test Instrument and Equipment.

 9. Electrical Service Wiring.

10. Controls Common to All Forced-Air Furnaces.

11. Gas Furnace Controls.

12. High-Efficiency Furnaces.

13. Components of Oil-Burning Furnaces.

14. Oil Furnace Controls.

15. Electric Heating.

16. Estimating the Heating Load.

17. Evaluating a Heating System.

18. Installation Practice.

19. Heating System Maintenance and Customer Relations.

20. Energy Conservation.

21. Indoor Air Quality.

22. Zoning.

23. Hydronic Heating.

24. Heat Pumps and Add-On Air-Conditioning.


Abbreviations for Text and Drawings.


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