Understanding Movies, 14th edition

Published by Pearson (January 5, 2017) © 2018

  • Louis Giannetti Case Western Reserve University


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For courses in Introduction to Film
An engaging, accessible introduction to film
Understanding Movies provides valuable insight into the language of film and how meaning is conveyed to audiences. Author Louis Giannetti engages students in the fascinating language systems and techniques of film and helps further their appreciation and understanding of why and how movie watchers respond as they do to different films. Building upon the visually engaging and accessible presentation of previous editions, the Fourteenth Edition adds updated photos, new content on the latest cinematic trends, and coverage of recent films to provide students a new way of looking at films that are familiar to them.
Understanding Movies, Fourteenth Edition is also available via Revelâ„¢, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.

Rich foundational coverage gives students an overview of filmmaking history, language, and techniques
  • Author Louis Giannetti discusses film as an industry, including information on box office grosses, marketing strategies, etc.
  • Coverage of technology, including digital innovations and special effects, helps students gain a basic understanding of the technical aspects of filmmaking, and how these have evolved over the history of the medium.
  • NEW! Over one hundred new photos with accompanying captions provide students with a visual story of cinema along with the most updated information on new developments in film technology. Most of these new photos are full color and many are from recent films. These photos contribute to an engaging design that reflects the dynamism of the content and engages students.
  • The final chapter, Synthesis: Citizen Kane, presents a recapitulation of the main ideas of the previous chapters, applied to a single movie. This helps students apply everything they’ve learned through analysis of a classic film. Citizen Kane is an ideal choice because it includes virtually every technique the medium is capable of, in addition to being one of the most critically admired films in history and a popular favorite among students.
  • UPDATED! Each chapter has been updated with references to recent books and important movie websites, ensuring that students achieve an up-to-date understanding of the discipline.
Revised content on the classic era helps students better understand the golden age of film
  • NEW! The Fourteenth Edition offers expanded coverage of classic works like On the Town, Once Upon a Time in the West, and Roman Holiday, as well as respected foreign movies like Anna Karenina, Taxi, and Ida.
  • NEW! Expanded coverage of Hollywood’s golden age of big-studio movies — like East of Eden, The Awful Truth, and The Philadelphia Story — helps students better understand this key era.
  • NEW! Additional discussion of famous actors who revolutionized the profession — like Lillian Gish, Greta Garbo, Sidney Poitier, and Marlon Brando — helps students understand the impact of these important participants in the history of film.
Updated coverage of contemporary movie-making engages students and ensures an up-to-date learning experience
  • NEW! In order to better reflect the inclusiveness of contemporary film, the Fourteenth Edition offers more coverage of films about people of color (Straight Outta Compton), about sexual minorities (Dallas Buyers Club, Milk, and Blue is the Warmest Color), and about the physically challenged (Theory of Everything).
  • NEW! Discussion of contemporary stars — like Sean Penn, Jennifer Lawrence, and Melissa McCarthy — and their influence on the wider culture engages students and helps them view film through the lens of contemporary popular culture.
  • NEW! In order to help students relate what they’re learning to the cinema of today, the Fourteenth Edition presents expanded coverage of big box-office hits like Skyfall, Captain America, Argo, Jurassic World, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • NEW! With expanded discussion of film genres — including sci-fi (Interstellar), action films (Furious Seven), animation (Spirited Away), and romantic comedies (Silver Linings Playbook) — author Louis Giannetti is able to provide a more well-rounded overview of cinema.
Understanding Movies, Fourteenth Edition is also available via Pearson Revelâ„¢, an interactive learning environment that enables stu
Understanding Movies, Fourteenth Edition is also available via Revelâ„¢, an interactive learning environment that enables students to read, practice, and study in one continuous experience. Learn more.

Rich foundational coverage gives students an overview of filmmaking history, language, and techniques
  • Over one hundred new photos with accompanying captions provide students with a visual story of cinema along with the most updated information on new developments in film technology. Most of these new photos are full color and many are from recent films. These photos contribute to an engaging design that reflects the dynamism of the content and engages students.
  • UPDATED! Each chapter has been updated with references to recent books and important movie websites, ensuring that students achieve an up-to-date understanding of the discipline.

Revised content on the classic era helps students better understand the golden age of film
  • The Fourteenth Edition offers expanded coverage of classic works like On the Town, Once Upon a Time in the West, and Roman Holiday, as well as respected foreign movies like Anna Karenina, Taxi, and Ida.
  • Expanded coverage of Hollywood’s golden age of big-studio movies — like East of Eden, The Awful Truth, and The Philadelphia Story — helps students better understand this key era.
  • Additional discussion of famous actors who revolutionized the profession — like Lillian Gish, Greta Garbo, Sidney Poitier, and Marlon Brando — helps students understand the impact of these important participants in the history of film.

Updated coverage of contemporary movie-making engages students and ensures an up-to-date learning experience
  • In order to better reflect the inclusiveness of contemporary film, the Fourteenth Edition offers more coverage of films about people of color (Straight Outta Compton), about sexual minorities (Dallas Buyers Club, Milk, and Blue is the Warmest Color), and about the physically challenged (Theory of Everything).
  • Discussion of contemporary stars — like Sean Penn, Jennifer Lawrence, and Melissa McCarthy — and their influence on the wider culture engages students and helps them view film through the lens of contemporary popular culture.
  • In order to help students relate what they’re learning to the cinema of today, the Fourteenth Edition presents expanded coverage of big box-office hits like Skyfall, Captain America, Argo, Jurassic World, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • With expanded discussion of film genres — including sci-fi (Interstellar), action films (Furious Seven), animation (Spirited Away), and romantic comedies (Silver Linings Playbook) — author Louis Giannetti is able to provide a more well-rounded overview of cinema.

Brief Contents

  1. Photography
  2. Mise en Scene
  3. Movement
  4. Editing
  5. Sound
  6. Acting
  7. Dramatization
  8. Story
  9. Writing
  10. Ideology
  11. Critique
  12. Synthesis: Citizen Kane
Louis Giannetti is a Professor Emeritus of English and Film at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He has taught courses in film, literature, writing, drama, and humanities. He has published many articles, both popular and scholarly, on political subjects, literature, and drama. In addition to being a professional film critic for several years, he has written about movies for such scholarly journals as Literature/Film Quarterly, The Western Humanities Review, and Film Criticism. Professor Giannetti is also the author of a book on cinema theory, Godard and Others: Essays on Film Form, published in both Britain and the Unites States. Giannetti’s other books include Masters of the American Cinema (Prentice Hall, 1981), a survey of American fiction films from the perspective of eighteen key figures. Flashback: A Brief History of Film, Sixth Edition (Allyn & Bacon, 2010), written with Scott Eyman, is a history organized by decade outlining the major events, trends, and important filmmakers and their work, with emphasis on the American cinema. Both books are copiously illustrated. Understanding Movies has been a bestselling text in all its previous editions, widely used in the United States and in such countries as Australia, Britain, Singapore, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and Japan. 

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