Understanding Human Biology: Laboratory Exercises, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (March 14, 2007) © 2007

  • Judith Goodenough University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Betty A. McGuire Cornell University

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles
  • Written in an informal style which is easily accessible and interesting to students with no previous background in Biology.
  • Focused on collaborative, small group activities that encourage student interactions and maximize laboratory resources.
  • Designed to provide an understanding of the basic principles of human anatomy and physiology, genetics and evolutionary change, ecology, and the impact of human actions on the environment.
  • The exercises are designed to run smoothly, even in large laboratory sections with 2540 students.  Equipment and supplies needed are cost effective and easily accessible to large and small schools.  Each laboratory exercise is suitable for completion in two or three hour laboratory periods and can be divided to accommodate 90 minute sessions.
Preface Ex 1 Introduction to the Scientific Method Ex 2 Using the Compound and Dissecting Microscopes Ex 3 Functions and Properties of Cells Ex 4 Investigating Cellular Respiration Ex 5 Enzyme Activity Ex. 6 Food Analysis and Choices for Good Health Ex. 7The Skin: Example of an Organ System Ex 8 The Musculoskeletal System Ex 9 Examination of Skeletal Structure Ex 10 Nervous System and The Senses Ex 11 Introduction to Forensic Biology Ex 12 The Circulatory System Ex 13 Introduction to Anatomy: Dissecting the Fetal Pig Ex 14 Organ Systems in the Abdominal Cavity Ex 15 The Reproductive System Ex 16 Mitosis and Asexual Reproduction Ex 17 Connecting Meiosis and Genetics Ex 18 Human Genetics Ex 19 Introduction to Molecular Genetics Ex 20 Biotechnology: DNA Analysis Ex 21 Using Biotechnology to Assess Ecosystem Damage Appendix I Self Test Answers

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