Understanding EKGs: A Practical Approach, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (January 31, 2019) © 2020

  • Brenda M. Beasley


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For courses in paramedics.

A simple 5-step approach to interpreting EKGs

Understanding EKGs is a practical yet comprehensive guide to basic EKG interpretation. With short, succinct chapters that work consecutively, this text is for the healthcare provider who is new to cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and rhythm strip interpretation. Hundreds of review questions and review strips reinforce course material.

The 5th Edition reflects the most up-to-date standards of care, including the updated guidelines of the American Heart Association. The new edition also features 50 additional review questions, expanded graphics, and new or enhanced chapter objectives.

Hallmark features of this title

A practical, comprehensive guide to EKG analysis

  • A heart rate calculator ruler gives students a tool they can take into the field.
  • Rhythm strip examples based on the 5-step approach prepare students to analyze EKGs in real work situations.
  • Chapter 14 includes 100 review questions. The answers are in Appendix 1.

New and updated features of this title

Key information and guidance

  • UPDATED: Information has been updated to reflect current standards of care, including the updated guidelines of the American Heart Association.
  • UPDATED: A Key Points to Remember feature at the end of each chapter reiterates important information throughout the text. These points have been reviewed and enhanced for the new edition.

Learning aids

  • REVISED: End-of-chapter review questions have been updated and revised.
  • EXPANDED: Chapter objectives and marginal glossary terms have been added or enhanced.
  • EXPANDED: Chapter 15 includes 150 Review EKG Strips based on the 5-step approach. The answers are in Appendix 2. This edition includes 50 additional review strips.

1. The Anatomy of the Heart: Structure
2. Cardiovascular Physiology: Function
3. Basic Electrophysiology
4. The Electrical Conduction System
5. The Electrocardiogram
6. Interpretation of an EKG Strip
7. Introducing the Sinus Rhythms
8. Introducing the Atrial Rhythms
9. Introducing the Junctional Rhythms
10. Introducing the Ventricular Rhythms
11. Introducing the Heart Block Rhythms
12. Introducing the Pacemaker Rhythms
13. Assessment and Treatment of the Patient with Cardiac Emergencies
14. More Review Questions
15. Review EKG Strips

1. Answers to Review Questions: Chapters 1 - 14
2. Answers to Review Strips: Chapter 15

About our author

Brenda Messer Beasley is a paramedic and a registered nurse. She earned her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Alabama and Lorenz University, respectively, and also completed additional postgraduate studies. Following graduation from nursing school at the University of Alabama, Ms. Beasley was employed as a nurse (RN) in the emergency department of University Hospital in Birmingham. She remained in emergency nursing for the next 10 years, with a two-year hiatus when she became certified as a critical care neurosurgical nurse and worked in the NICU at Carraway Medical Center.

Ms. Beasley was working as an ER nurse in 1978 when she was asked to teach a basic EMT course. With a great deal of reticence yet strong encouragement from the chief of staff at the local hospital, she concurred. She immediately developed a passion for quality EMS education, and the rest, as they say, is history. For the next 30 years, she served as an EMS educator in the state of Alabama, and in 2001 was named Department Chair of Allied Health at Calhoun Community College in Decatur, Alabama. She held that position until her retirement in 2007. Ms. Beasley was an affiliate faculty member of the American Heart Association's Emergency Cardiac Care Program for 25 years. Other professional activities include roles in the BTLS affiliate faculty and board of directors of the National Association of EMS Educators and serving on the medical advisory boards of Tanner Medical System-East Alabama, Action Training Systems and Southern Ambulance Transport.

In 1999, Ms. Beasley published her first book on EKG interpretation and has subsequently authored other texts for Brady/Pearson Health Science. She resides in Wedowee, Alabama (with her beloved pet, Kitty Boo), where she serves as vice chair of the local hospital board. Ms. Beasley is actively involved in the First United Methodist Church of Wedowee and has served as the Governance Committee Chair for the National Association of EMS Educators.

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