Truth About Negotiations, The, 2nd edition

Published by FT Press (June 26, 2013) © 2014

  • Leigh L. Thompson Northwestern University
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Introduction     vii

Part 1: Negotiation: A 30,000-foot view     1

Truth 1: Negotiation: A natural gift?     3

Truth 2: The magic bullet: Preparation      7

Truth 3: Your industry is unique (and other myths)     11

Truth 4: Win–win, win–lose, and lose–lose negotiations     15

Truth 5: Four sand traps in the golf game of negotiation     19

Truth 6: If you have only one hour to prepare     23

Part 2: The bottom line on bottom lines     27

Truth 7: Identify your BATNA     29

Truth 8: Develop your reservation price     33

Truth 9: It’s alive! Constantly improve your BATNA     37

Truth 10: Don’t reveal your BATNA     41

Truth 11: Don’t lie about your BATNA     45

Truth 12: Signal your BATNA     49

Truth 13: Research the other party’s BATNA      53

Part 3: Black belt negotiation skills     55

Truth 14: Set optimistic but realistic aspirations     57

Truth 15: The power of making the fi rst off er     61

Truth 16: What if the other party makes the fi rst off er?     65

Truth 17: Plan your concessions     69

Truth 18: Be aware of the “even-split” ploy     73

Truth 19: Reveal your interests     77

Truth 20: Negotiate issues simultaneously, not sequentially     81

Truth 21: Logrolling (I scratch your back, you scratch mine)     85

Truth 22: Make multiple off ers of equivalent value simultaneously     89

Truth 23: Postsettlement settlements     93

Truth 24: Contingent agreements     97

Part 4: Psychology     101

Truth 25: The reciprocity principle     103

Truth 26: The reinforcement principle     107

Truth 27: The similarity principle     111

Truth 28: The anchoring principle     115

Truth 29: The framing principle     119

Part 5: People problems (and solutions)     123

Truth 30: Responding to temper tantrums     125

Truth 31: How to negotiate with someone you hate     129

Truth 32: How to negotiate with someone you love     133

Truth 33: Of men, women, and pie-slicing     137

Truth 34: Your reputation     141

Truth 35: Building trust     145

Truth 36: Repairing broken trust     149

Truth 37: Saving face     153

Part 6: I-negotiations and E-negotiations     157

Truth 38: Negotiating on the phone     159

Truth 39: Negotiating via email and the Internet     163

Truth 40: When negotiations shift from relational to highly transactional      167

Truth 41: Negotiating across generations     171

Truth 42: Negotiating with diff erent organizational cultures     175

Truth 43: Negotiating with diff erent demographic cultures     179

Part 7: Negotiation Yoga     183

Truth 44: What’s your sign? (Know your disputing style)     185

Truth 45: Satisfi cing versus optimizing     189

Truth 46: Are you an enlightened negotiator?     193

References     197

Acknowledgments     203

About the Author     204

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