Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2021) © 2019

  • Susan C. Cloninger Russell Sage College

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ISBN-13: 9780137528776 (2021 update)

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Theories of Personality provides a fresh look into personality theory through clear explanations and the most current research. This overview of the major theories of personality, classic and current encourages you to think critically. Author Susan Cloninger shows how understanding other people can benefit us both academically and practically. Real-life examples illustrate the major concepts of personality theory.

The 7th Edition offers discussions of relevant topics such as bullying, epigenetics and more. The author digs deeper into various theorists' lives, covering the controversy over perceived racism in the theories of Cattell and Jung, and the abusive behavior of Maslow's mother. Discussions of contemporary thinking have been integrated into the coverage of theoretical concepts.

1. Introduction to Personality Theory
2. Freud's Classical Psychoanalysis
3. Jung's Analytical Psychology
4. Adler's Individual Psychology
5. Erikson's Psychosocial Development
6. Horney, Relational Theory, and the Interpersonal Psychoanalytic Approach
7. Allport's Personological Trait Theory
8. Two Factor Analytic Trait Theories
9. Biological Theories
10. Behavioral Theories
11. Kelly's Personal Construct Theory
12. Mischel's Traits in Cognitive Social Learning Theory
13. Bandura's Theory on Performance in Cognitive Social Learning
14. Rogers's Person-Centered Theory
15. Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory and Positive Psychology
16. Buddhist Psychology
17. Concluding Remarks

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