Technical Communication Fundamentals, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (February 25, 2011) © 2012

  • William S. Pfeiffer Western Missouri State University
  • Kaye A. Adkins



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For courses in Technical Writing, Technical Communication, Writing in the Professions, and Business and Technical Communication.

Technical Communication Fundamentals presents proven writing strategies in a format that is concise and easy to use. Designed for flexibility, the book is supported by MyTechCommLab, which provides 90 model documents, 50 interactive documents, tutorials, activities, and case studies all on The Web! Using numbered guidelines, an ABC format and annotated samples, the book immerses students in the process of technical writing, while teaching practical formats for getting the job done.

For courses in Technical Writing, Technical Communication, Writing in the Professions, and Business and Technical Communication.

Technical Communication Fundamentals presents proven writing strategies in a format that is concise and easy to use. Designed for flexibility, the book is supported by MyTechCommLab, which provides 90 model documents, 50 interactive documents, tutorials, activities, and case studies all on The Web! Using numbered guidelines, an ABC format and annotated samples, the book immerses students in the process of technical writing, while teaching practical formats for getting the job done.


Concise approach–emphasizes contemporary writing techniques such as collaborative writing, modular writing, and context-based writing.

  • Streamlines presentation to leave more time for web-based assignments and discipline-specific examples. 

Extensive web-based content via

  • Over 90 Model Documents
  • 50 Interactive Documents
  • Grammar, Mechanics, and Writing Help
  • Document Design Resources
  • Writing Process Tutorial
  • Writing Formal Reports Tutorial
  • Activities and Case Studies
  • Online Reference Library of e-books
  • MySearchLab

A universal “ABC” format–reinforces a highly usable three-part structure consisting of abstract, body, and conclusion.

  • Gives students a consistent template and process for creating any type of technical document. 

Numbered guidelines–make this book easy to use to complete class projects.

  • Provides “how-to’s” for projects such as proposal writing, Internet research, and creation of visuals. 

Annotated models–appear at the end of chapters.

  • Shows how the sample documents illustrate the guidelines set forth in the chapters. 

Building Your Technical Communication Skills sections end each chapter and include:

  • Communication Challenge case studies provide short writing assignments
  • Collaboration at Work sections include group project assignments
  • Ethics Assignments reinforce ethical guidelines
  • International Communication Assignments address writing in an international context 

Style Chapter and Writing Handbook–appears in the text.

  • Provides a well-indexed alphabetized writing handbook on grammar, mechanics, and usage.
  • Provide tools that help students during the final stages of the writing pro

1.      Introduction to Technical Communication

2.      Collaboration and Writing

3.      Visual Design

4.      Letters, Memos, and Electronic Communication

5.      Definitions and Descriptions

6.      Process Explanations and Instructions

7.      Reports

8.      Proposals

9.      Presentations

10.  The Job Search

11.  Style in Technical Writing

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