Technical Communication: A Practical Approach, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (December 28, 2011) © 2013

  • William S. Pfeiffer Western Missouri State University
  • Kaye A. Adkins



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For courses in Technical Communication.

Emphasizing the connection between writing and context, Technical Communication: A Practical Approach 8e uses a fictional company (M-Global) and students' own school and workplace settings to introduce the common genres of technical communication. Featuring numbered guidelines and an ABC format, the book shows how to write a variety of technical documents including business proposals, white papers, scripts, research reports, digital documents and more! This edition features earlier coverage of collaboration, more on software tools, expanded ABC formats, and the innovative MyTechCommLab website.

For courses in Technical Communication.

Emphasizing the connection between writing and context, Technical Communication: A Practical Approach 8e uses a fictional company (M-Global) and students' own school and workplace settings to introduce the common genres of technical communication. Featuring numbered guidelines and an ABC format, the book shows how to write a variety of technical documents including business proposals, white papers, scripts, research reports, digital documents and more! This edition features earlier coverage of collaboration, more on software tools, expanded ABC formats, and the innovative MyTechCommLab website.

Hallmark Features

Emphasizes the connection between writing and context using the comprehensive M-Global Case and recurring discussions centered around content, context, audience and purpose.

Gives students a consistent process for creating all types of technical documents using a three-part “ABC” format that consists of abstract, body, and conclusion.

Provides "how-to" numbered guidelines for projects such as proposal writing, Internet research, and creation of visuals.

Features annotated samples that show how sample documents illustrate the guidelines set forth in the chapters.

Includes these  Learning Portfolio sections at the end of each chapter:

  • Communication Challenge case studies with a short writing assignment
  • Collaboration at Work sections that include group project assignments
  • Ethics Assignments that reinforce ethical guidelines
  • International Communication Assignments that address writing for an international context
  • Models from M-Global and more!

Provides a writing handbook at the back of the text that covers grammar, mechanics, and usage.

Includes an updated Companion Website with these resouces (

  • Chapter Outlines — provide an overview of major chapter concepts.
  • Interactive Editing and Revision Exercises — Interactive documents allow students to see poorly done and improved versions of documents with additional assignable document revision exercises.
  • Text Assignments — Students encounter workplace situations with assignments in a wide range of career-oriented applications.
  • M-Global Case — These are writing assignments involving the M-Global company.
  • Forms and Templates — Included are example documents and M-Global document models in downloadable Word doc format.
  • Online Resource Links — These are links to online resources including guides to document preparation, job search information, and library research tools.
  • Chapter Quizzes — Self-grading multiple-choice quizzes help students master chapter concepts and prepare for tests.

Includes an extensive MyTechCommLab website, featuring:

  • Over 90 Model Documents
  • 50 Interactive Documents
  • Grammar, Mechanics, and Writing Help
  • Document Design Resources
  • Writing Process Tutorial
  • Writing Formal Reports Tutorial
  • Activities and Case Studies
  • Online Reference Library of e-books
  • MySearchLab

New! Collaborative writing appears earlier in the text (see Chapter 3).

  • Confirms collaboration as a writing process and acknowledges it as central to most workplace writing.

New! More coverage of software tools, digital documents, technology and websites appears in Chapters 2, 4, 5 and 14.

  • Discusses how technology tools are used in the writing process, how to organize and design digital documents for various platforms, and the dynamic nature of webpages and sites.

New! More emphasis on research in the workplace appears in Chapter 9.

  • Explains how organizations use research in technical communication to make decisions and solve problems.

New! Added discussion of white papers appears in Chapter 12.

  • Describes this hybrid informative, procedural, and marketing writing that is frequently used in business and industry. 

New! More on scripts (Chapter 8), informative and analytical reports (Chapter 11 ), and poster sessions (Chapter 15).

  • Updates content to include the latest trends in technical communication.

New! Expanded ABC formats include new templates on presenting technical research, usability testing, definitions, descriptions, explanations, instructions, 3 types of proposals, 4 types of informative reports and 4 types of analytical reports.  

New! Separate appendix  addressing English as a Second Language speakers.

  • Presents material for speakers of English as a Second Language and focuses on three main problem areas: articles, prepositions, and verb use.

New! A new appendix with Suggestions for Further Reading.

  • Includes all sources cited in the textbook as well as additional reading organized by general chapter topic.


Chapter 1 Technical Communication in the Workplace

Chapter 2 Process in Technical Communication

Chapter 3 Collaboration and Writing


Chapter 4 Organizing Information

Chapter 5 Document Design

Chapter 6 Correspondence

Chapter 7 Definitions and Descriptions

Chapter 8 Process Explanations and Instructions


Chapter 9 Technical Research

Chapter 10 Formatting Reports and Proposals

Chapter 11 Reports for Information and Analysis

Chapter 12 Proposals and White Papers


Chapter 12 Graphics

Chapter 14 Web Pages and Writing for the Web

Chapter 15 Presentations


Chapter 16 The Job Search

Chapter 17 Style in Technical Writing


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