Teaching Reading in the 21st Century: Motivating All Learners, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2021

  • Peter Dewitz Consultant and Researcher
  • Michael W Graves
  • Bonnie B. Graves
  • Connie F Juel Stanford University

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ISBN-13: 9780136940401 (2020 update)

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Teaching Reading in the 21st Century: Motivating All Learners presents a student-centered focus on reading instruction that fosters students' motivation and passion for reading. The authors emphasize motivation in order to help develop students who want to read, and therefore can read. Based on the most current research, the text covers the 5 major components of reading. The authors consistently reinforce the idea that motivated students will read widely and deeply, which facilitates fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

The 6th Edition offers updated coverage of assessment and an increased emphasis on digital texts. Other revised and expanded topics include issues in reading instruction; the link between word recognition and vocabulary; and developing English learners' oral language skills and vocabulary.

  1. Reading and Learning to Read 
  2. Reading Instruction 
  3. Motivation 
  4. Meeting the Needs of All Students 
  5. Assessment 
  6. Text for Reading Instruction 
  7. Emergent Readers 
  8. Word Identification 
  9. Fluency 
  10. Vocabulary 
  11. Comprehension of Narrative Text 
  12. Comprehension of Informational Text 
  13. Reading and Writing 
  14. Reading Instruction for English Learners

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