Teaching English Language and Content in Mainstream Classes: One Class, Many Paths, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2013

  • Linda New Levine
  • Mary Lou McCloskey
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Chapter 1 Principles of Integrated Language Teaching and Learning

Activity-Based Language Teaching and Learning Communicative Teaching and Learning

Chapter 2 Language Acquisition and Language Learning in the Classroom

What Do We Know about First Language Acquisition?

What Is the Nature of the First Language Environment?

How Do Acquisition and Learning Differ?

What Are Factors Affecting Language Acquisition in the Classroom?

What Strategies Do ELLs Use to Acquire Languages?

What Are the Characteristics of a Culturally and Linguistically

Appropriate Response to Intervention (RTI) Model?

What Are the Characteristics of an Effective Classroom Environment for ELLs?

What Are the Characteristics of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Tier 1 Instruction for ELLs?

What Are the Characteristics of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Tier 2 Instruction for ELLs?

Chapter 3 Culturally Responsive Instruction: Connecting with Home Culture

Culturally Responsive Instruction

What Are the Features of Culturally Responsive Instruction?

How Do Teachers Connect to The Homes and Families of Their Students?

How Can the School Community Support the Education of English Language Learners?

How Can the Community Outside the School Support the Education of ELLs?

How Does a Culturally Responsive Classroom Connect to Students’ Cultures, Languages, and Family in an RTI Model?

Chapter 4 Organizing the Classroom for Language Learning

First Things First: Feeling Ready to Learn

Organizing the Physical Environment to Promote Language Learning

Organizing the Classroom Social Environment to Promote Language Learning

English Language Instructional Programs

Organizing Instruction to Promote Language Learning

Chapter 5 Strategies for Oral Language Development

Conditions for Oral Language Learning

Academic Language Learning

Oral Language Development

Stages of Oral Language Development

Teacher Tools for Oral Language Development

Assessing Oral Language Development

Response to Intervention

Chapter 6 Oral Language Development in the Content Classroom

Content Learning and Oral Language Development

Oral Language Development Every Which Way

Listening In While Not Tuning Out

Assessing Listening and Speaking Skills in the Content

Chapter 7 Teaching Vocabulary to English Learners

Why Is learning vocabulary important for English learners?

What Do We Mean When We Speak of Vocabulary? How Many Words Do Students Need to Learn?

What Words Should We Teach?

What Are the characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction?

How Should we provide direct vocabulary instruction?

How Can we help learners develop Their own tools to deal with unknown words independently?

What Are Active Interactive Strategies to Support Vocabulary Development?

How Can we assess vocabulary development of English learners?

Chapter 8 Developing Literacy with English Learners: Focus on Reading

What Is Literacy?

What Is Unique About English Language Learners

Who Are Developing Literacy?

The Language/Literacy Matrix

What Tools and Strategies Can We Provide to Help ELLs

Develop Literacy?

Issues in Literacy Development with Older English Learners 194

Assessing ELL Literacy Development 199

Chapter 9 Developing Literacy with English Learners: Focus on Writing

Why Teach Writing with English Learners?

How Does Writing Develop to ELLs?

Connecting Writing to Active, Communicative Language Teaching and Learning

Challenges of Teaching Writing to English Learners

Developing a Writing Environment

Getting Started: Interactive Writing

Scaffolding Learners Through the Writing Process

Issues in Teaching Writing to Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)

Assessing Writing

Chapter 10 Structuring and Planning Content-Language Integrated Lessons

Lesson Characteristics That Support Learning

A Lesson Format for Integrated Learning

Into the Lesson: Defining Objectives, Activating, and Preparing for Learning

Through the Lesson: Input for Active Understanding, Vocabulary Development, and Practical Purpose

Beyond the Lesson: Providing Reasons for Further Communication

Response to Intervention

Chapter 11 Assessment Tools for the Integrated Classroom

What Is Assessment?

What Are the Fundamental Principles of Classroom-BasedAssessment for ELLs?

What Are the Critical Factors Affecting the Assessment of ELLs

What Are Examples of Authentic, Performance-Based Classroom Assessment?

How Do Standards Affect Classroom Assessment?

Assessment for ELLs in an RTI Organizational Model

Chapter 12 Putting It All Together Thematically: Developing Content-Based Thematic Units

What Is Thematic Instruction?

Why Teach Thematically?

How Are Thematic Units Structured?

What About Standards in a Thematic Unit?

Organizing Content Curriculum in a Thematic Unit

Organizing Language Curriculum in a Thematic Unit

How Can Learning Strategies Be Incorporated into Thematic Instruction?

A Last Word

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