Teacher's Guide to Success, The, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (February 18, 2011) © 2012

  • Ellen L. Kronowitz
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  • A print text

Unit 1 Are You Ready for the Journey

Chapter 1 How Does Teaching Differ from Student Teaching?

Chapter 2 What Does Research Show About the Induction Year?

Chapter 3 What Are Some Challenges for the Reflective Teacher?

Chapter 4 How Can I Plan Ahead for My First Day?

Unit 2 First Day

Chapter 5 What Can Help Me Through My First Day?

Chapter 6 How Do I Arrange and Assign Seats?

Chapter 7 What Should I Wear and What Should I Say?

Chapter 8 How Do I Learn My Students’ Names and How Do They Learn

Each Other’s Names?

Chapter 9 How Do I Establish Rules and Discipline the First Day?

Unit 3 Classroom Organization and Management

Chapter 10 How Do I Accessorize the Classroom with Bulletin Boards and Extras?

Chapter 11 How Do I Establish and Maintain Routines for Entrances/Exits, Beginning,

and Ending the Day?

Chapter 12 How Do I Move Materials and Students Around the Room?

Chapter 13 What Instructional Routines Will I Need?

Chapter 14 How Can I Engage Students in Operating the Classroom?

Chapter 15 How Do I Manage Technology in My Classroom?

Unit 4 Positive Discipline

Chapter 16 What Are the Main Views of Changing Behavior?

Chapter 17 What Are Some Causes of Misbehavior?

Chapter 18 How Can I Prevent Discipline Problems Before They Start?

Chapter 19 What Teacher Behaviors Lead to a Positive Classroom Climate?

Chapter 20 What Are Some Nonverbal Strategies to Maintain Order and Some

Responses to Avoid?

Unit 5 Planning and Organizing Subject Matter

Chapter 21 How Do I Align Standards and Fit Everything In?

Chapter 22 How Do I Write Unit, Weekly, Daily, and Lesson Plans?

Chapter 23 How Do I Gather Materials and Resources to Support My Instruction?

Chapter 24 How Do I Plan for Classroom Aides and Substitutes?

Unit 6 Engaging All Learners

Chapter 25 How Do I Communicate Positive Expectations to My Students?

Chapter 26 What Research-based Strategies Should I Consider?

Chapter 27 How Do I Combine Research-based Strategies with Cooperative Learning Groups?

Chapter 28 How Do I Differentiate Instruction to Meet the Needs of All Learners?

Chapter 29 What Are Effective Strategies for English Language Learners?

Unit 7 Assessing and Communicating Student Progress

Chapter 30 How Can I Assess Student Performance?

Chapter 31 How Can I Assess Student Interests and Attitudes?

Chapter 32 How Do I Manage Paperwork and Homework?

Chapter 33 How Can I Prepare My Students for Taking Standardized Tests?

Chapter 34 How Can I Enlist Support from and Communicate with Parents and Guardians?

Unit 8 A Professional Life in Balance

Chapter 35 What Is Reflective Practice and How Do I Engage in It?

Chapter 36 How Do I Establish Relationships with Administrators and Colleagues?

Chapter 37 How Can I Manage My Time and Balance My Life?

Chapter 38 What Professional Opportunities Are Open to Me?

Epilogue Final Tips

Chapter 39 The Last Days of School

Chapter 40 Now It’s Time to Teach!

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