T-SQL Querying, 1st edition
Published by Microsoft Press (February 17, 2015) © 2015
- Itzik Ben-Gan
- Adam Machanic
- Dejan Sarka
- Kevin Farlee
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This book gives students a detailed look at the internal architecture of T-SQL and a comprehensive programming reference. Readers will tackle the toughest set-based querying and query tuning problems—guided by an author team with in-depth, inside knowledge of T-SQL. This book deepens student understanding of architecture and internals—and gives practical approaches and advanced techniques to optimize code performance. The book covers many unique techniques that provide highly efficient solutions for common challenges.
Introduction    xvii
Chapter 1: Logical query processing    1
Logical query-processing phases    3
Logical query-processing phases in brief    4
Sample query based on customers/orders scenario    6
Logical query-processing phase details    8
Step 1: The FROM phase    8
Step 2: The WHERE phase    14
Step 3: The GROUP BY phase    15
Step 4: The HAVING phase    16
Step 5: The SELECT phase    17
Step 6: The ORDER BY phase    20
Step 7: Apply the TOP or OFFSET-FETCH filter    22
Further aspects of logical query processing    26
Table operators    26
Window functions    35
The UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT operators    38
Conclusion    39
Chapter 2: Query tuning    41
Internals    41
Pages and extents    42
Table organization    43
Tools to measure query performance    53
Access methods    57
Table scan/unordered clustered index scan    57
Unordered covering nonclustered index scan    60
Ordered clustered index scan    62
Ordered covering nonclustered index scan    63
The storage engine’s treatment of scans    65
Nonclustered index seek + range scan + lookups    81
Unordered nonclustered index scan + lookups    91
Clustered index seek + range scan    93
Covering nonclustered index seek + range scan    94
Cardinality estimates    97
Legacy estimator vs. 2014 cardinality estimator    98
Implications of underestimations and overestimations    99
Statistics    101
Estimates for multiple predicates    104
Ascending key problem    107
Unknowns    110
Indexing features    115
Descending indexes    115
Included non-key columns    119
Filtered indexes and statistics    120
Columnstore indexes    123
Inline index definition    130
Prioritizing queries for tuning with extended events    131
Index and query information and statistics    134
Temporary objects    139
Set-based vs. iterative solutions    149
Query tuning with query revisions    153
Parallel query execution    158
How intraquery parallelism works    158
Parallelism and query optimization    175
The parallel APPLY query pattern    181
Conclusion    186
Chapter 3: Multi-table queries    187
Subqueries    187
Self-contained subqueries    187
Correlated subqueries    189
The EXISTS predicate    194
Misbehaving subqueries    201
Table expressions    204
Derived tables    205
CTEs    207
Views    211
Inline table-valued functions    215
Generating numbers    215
The APPLY operator    218
The CROSS APPLY operator    219
The OUTER APPLY operator    221
Implicit APPLYÂ Â Â Â 221
Reuse of column aliases    222
Joins         224
Cross join    224
Inner join    228
Outer join    229
Self join    230
Equi and non-equi joins    230
Multi-join queries    231
Semi and anti semi joins    237
Join algorithms    239
Separating elements    245
The UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT operators    249
The UNION ALL and UNION operators    250
The INTERSECT operator    253
The EXCEPT operator    255
Conclusion    257
Chapter 4: Grouping, pivoting, and windowing    259
Window functions    259
Aggregate window functions    260
Ranking window functions    281
Offset window functions    285
Statistical window functions    288
Gaps and islands    291
Pivoting    299
One-to-one pivot    300
Many-to-one pivot    304
Unpivoting    307
Unpivoting with CROSS JOIN and VALUESÂ Â Â Â 308
Unpivoting with CROSS APPLY and VALUESÂ Â Â Â 310
Using the UNPIVOT operator    312
Custom aggregations    313
Using a cursor    314
Using pivoting    315
Specialized solutions    316
Grouping sets    327
GROUPING SETS subclause    328
CUBE and ROLLUP clauses    331
Grouping sets algebra    333
Materializing grouping sets    334
Sorting    337
Conclusion    339
Chapter 5: TOP and OFFSET-FETCHÂ Â Â Â 341
The TOP and OFFSET-FETCH filters    341
The TOP filter    341
The OFFSET-FETCH filter    345
Optimization of filters demonstrated through paging    346
Optimization of TOPÂ Â Â Â 346
Optimization of OFFSET-FETCHÂ Â Â Â 354
Optimization of ROW_NUMBERÂ Â Â Â 358
Using the TOP option with modifications    360
TOP with modifications    360
Modifying in chunks    361
Top N per group    363
Solution using ROW_NUMBERÂ Â Â Â 364
Solution using TOP and APPLYÂ Â Â Â 365
Solution using concatenation (a carry-along sort)Â Â Â Â 366
Median    368
Solution using PERCENTILE_CONTÂ Â Â Â 369
Solution using ROW_NUMBERÂ Â Â Â 369
Solution using OFFSET-FETCH and APPLYÂ Â Â Â 370
Conclusion    371
Chapter 6: Data modification    373
Inserting data    373
Bulk import    376
Measuring the amount of logging    377
BULK rowset provider    378
Sequences    381
Characteristics and inflexibilities of the identity property    381
The sequence object    382
Performance considerations    387
Summarizing the comparison of identity with sequence    394
Deleting data    395
Deleting duplicates    399
Updating data    401
Update using table expressions    402
Update using variables    403
Merging data    404
MERGE examples    405
Preventing MERGE conflicts    408
ON isn't a filter    409
USING is similar to FROMÂ Â Â Â 410
The OUTPUT clause    411
Example with INSERT and identity    412
Example for archiving deleted data    413
Example with the MERGE statement    414
Composable DMLÂ Â Â Â 417
Conclusion    417
Chapter 7: Working with date and time    419
Date and time data types    419
Date and time functions    422
Challenges working with date and time    434
Literals    434
Identifying weekdays    436
Handling date-only or time-only data with DATETIME and SMALLDATETIMEÂ Â Â Â 439
First, last, previous, and next date calculations    440
Search argument     445
Rounding issues    447
Querying date and time data    449
Grouping by the week    449
Intervals    450
Conclusion    471
Chapter 8: T-SQL for BI practitioners    473
Data preparation    473
Sales analysis view    474
Frequencies    476
Frequencies without window functions    476
Frequencies with window functions    477
Descriptive statistics for continuous variables    479
Centers of a distribution    479
Spread of a distribution    482
Higher population moments    487
Linear dependencies    495
Two continuous variables    495
Contingency tables and chi-squared    501
Analysis of variance    505
Definite integration    509
Moving averages and entropy    512
Moving averages    512
Entropy    518
Conclusion    522
Chapter 9: Programmable objects    525
Dynamic SQLÂ Â Â Â 525
Using the EXEC command    525
Using the sp_executesql procedure    529
Dynamic pivot    530
Dynamic search conditions    535
Dynamic sorting    542
User-defined functions    546
Scalar UDFs    546
Multistatement TVFs    550
Stored procedures    553
Compilations, recompilations, and reuse of execution plans    554
Table type and table-valued parameters    571
Triggers    575
Trigger types and uses    575
Efficient trigger programming    581
SQLCLR programming    585
SQLCLR architecture    586
CLR scalar functions and creating your first assembly    588
Streaming table-valued functions    597
SQLCLR stored procedures and triggers    605
SQLCLR user-defined types    617
SQLCLR user-defined aggregates    628
Transaction and concurrency    632
Transactions described    633
Locks and blocking    636
Lock escalation    641
Delayed durability    643
Isolation levels    645
Deadlocks    657
Error handling    662
The TRY-CATCH construct    662
Errors in transactions    666
Retry logic    669
Conclusion    670
Chapter 10: In-Memory OLTPÂ Â Â Â 671
In-Memory OLTP overview    671
Data is always in memory    672
Native compilation    673
Lock and latch-free architecture    673
SQL Server integration    674
Creating memory-optimized tables    675
Creating indexes in memory-optimized tables    676
Clustered vs. nonclustered indexes    677
Nonclustered indexes    677
Hash indexes    680
Execution environments    690
Query interop    690
Natively compiled procedures    699
Surface-area restrictions    703
Table DDLÂ Â Â Â 703
DMLÂ Â Â Â 704
Conclusion    705
Chapter 11: Graphs and recursive queries    707
Terminology    707
Graphs    707
Trees    708
Hierarchies    709
Scenarios    709
Employee organizational chart    709
Bill of materials (BOM)Â Â Â Â 711
Road system    715
Iteration/recursion    718
Subgraph/descendants    719
Ancestors/path    730
Subgraph/descendants with path enumeration    733
Sorting    736
Cycles    740
Materialized path    742
Maintaining data    743
Querying    749
Materialized path with the HIERARCHYID data type    754
Maintaining data    756
Querying    763
Further aspects of working with HIERARCHYIDÂ Â Â Â 767
Nested sets    778
Assigning left and right values    778
Querying    784
Transitive closure    787
Directed acyclic graph    787
Conclusion    801
Index    803
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