Systematic Design of Instruction, The, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (June 28, 2021) © 2022

  • Walter Dick Florida State University, Professor Emeritus
  • Lou Carey University of South Florida
  • James O. Carey University of South Florida

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ISBN-13: 9780137510344 (2021 update)

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Systematic Design of Instruction clearly introduces the fundamentals of instructional design (ID). It emphasizes the concepts needed to effectively analyze, design, develop and formatively evaluate instruction. The intuitive chapter organization walks you through each step in the ID process. This learn-by-doing resource integrates practical applications, contemporary design examples, research, annotated references and sample rubrics. As you progress, you will learn the skills you need to create your own sound, effective instruction.

The 9th Edition incorporates new overviews and new formative evaluation suggestions. Included are new process flowcharts, updated references and recommended readings, and additional tables.

  1. Introduction to Instructional Design
  2. Identifying Instructional Goals Using Front-End Analysis
  3. Conducting a Goal Analysis
  4. Identifying Subordinate and Entry Skills
  5. Analyzing Learners and Contexts
  6. Writing Performance Objectives
  7. Developing Assessment Instruments
  8. Planning the Instructional Strategy: Theoretical Bases
  9. Planning Logistics and Management for the Instructional Strategy
  10. Developing Instructional Materials
  11. Designing and Conducting Formative Evaluations
  12. Revising Instructional Materials
  13. Designing and Conducting Summative Evaluations

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