A Survey of Mathematics with Applications, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (January 1, 2021) © 2021

  • Allen R. Angel Monroe Community College
  • Christine D. Abbott Monroe Community College
  • Dennis Runde State College of Florida

Pearson+ subscription

ISBN-13: 9780137409099
Survey of Mathematics with Applications, A
Published 2021

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A Survey of Mathematics with Applications shows how mathematics affects the world around you and its importance in your life and future career.

Table of Contents

  1. Critical Thinking Skills
    • 1.1 Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
    • 1.2 Estimation Techniques
    • 1.3 Problem-Solving Procedures
  2. Sets
    • 2.1 Set Concepts
    • 2.2 Subsets
    • 2.3 Venn Diagrams and Set Operations
    • 2.4 Venn Diagrams with Three Sets and Verification of Equality of Sets
    • 2.5 Applications of Sets
    • 2.6 Infinite Sets
  3. Logic
    • 3.1 Statements and Logical Connectives
    • 3.2 Truth Tables for Negation, Conjunction, and Disjunction
    • 3.3 Truth Tables for the Conditional and Biconditional
    • 3.4 Equivalent Statements
    • 3.5 Symbolic Arguments
    • 3.6 Euler Diagrams and Syllogistic Arguments
    • 3.7 Switching Circuits
  4. Systems of Numeration
    • 4.1 Additive, Multiplicative, and Ciphered Systems of Numeration
    • 4.2 Place-Value or Positional-Value Numeration Systems
    • 4.3 Other Bases
    • 4.4 Perform Computations in Other Bases
    • 4.5 Early Computational Methods
  5. Number Theory and the Real Number System
    • 5.1 Number Theory
    • 5.2 The Integers
    • 5.3 The Rational Numbers
    • 5.4 The Irrational Numbers
    • 5.5 Real Numbers and Their Properties
    • 5.6 Rules of Exponents and Scientific Notation
    • 5.7 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
    • 5.8 Fibonacci Sequence
  6. Algebra, Graphs, and Functions
    • 6.1 Order of Operations and Solving Linear Equations
    • 6.2 Formulas
    • 6.3 Applications of Algebra
    • 6.4 Variation
    • 6.5 Solving Linear Inequalities
    • 6.6 Graphing Linear Equations
    • 6.7 Solving Systems of Linear Equations
    • 6.8 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables and Systems of Linear Inequalities
    • 6.9 Solving Quadratic Equations by Using Factoring and by Using the Quadratic Formula
    • 6.10 Functions and Their Graphs
  7. The Metric System
    • 7.1 Basic Terms and Conversions Within the Metric System
    • 7.2 Length, Area, and Volume
    • 7.3 Mass and Temperature
    • 7.4 Dimensional Analysis and Conversions to and from the Metric System
  8. Geometry
    • 8.1 Points, Lines, Planes, and Angles
    • 8.2 Polygons
    • 8.3 Perimeter and Area
    • 8.4 Volume and Surface Area
    • 8.5 Transformational Geometry, Symmetry, and Tessellations
    • 8.6 Topology
    • 8.7 Non-Euclidean Geometry and Fractal Geometry
  9. Mathematical Systems
    • 9.1 Groups
    • 9.2 Finite Mathematical Systems
    • 9.3 Modular Arithmetic
    • 9.4 Matrices
  10. Consumer Mathematics
    • 10.1 Percent
    • 10.2 Personal Loans and Simple Interest
    • 10.3 Compound Interest
    • 10.4 Installment Buying
    • 10.5 Buying a House with a Mortgage
    • 10.6 Ordinary Annuities, Sinking Funds, and Retirement Investments
  11. Probability
    • 11.1 Empirical and Theoretical Probabilities
    • 11.2 Odds
    • 11.3 Expected Value (Expectation)
    • 11.4 Tree Diagrams 678
    • 11.5 OR and AND Problems
    • 11.6 Conditional Probability
    • 11.7 The Fundamental Counting Principle and Permutations
    • 11.8 Combinations
    • 11.9 Solving Probability Problems by Using Combinations
    • 11.10 Binomial Probability Formula
  12. Statistics
    • 12.1 Sampling Techniques and Misuses of Statistics
    • 12.2 Frequency Distributions and Statistical Graphs
    • 12.3 Measures of Central Tendency and Position
    • 12.4 Measures of Dispersion
    • 12.5 The Normal Curve
    • 12.6 Linear Correlation and Regression
  13. Graph Theory
    • 13.1 Graphs, Paths, and Circuits
    • 13.2 Euler Paths and Euler Circuits
    • 13.3 Hamilton Paths and Hamilton Circuits
    • 13.4 Trees 864 14 Voting and Apportionment
  14. Voting and Apportionment
    • 14.1 Voting Methods
    • 14.2 Flaws of the Voting Methods
    • 14.3 Apportionment Methods
    • 14.4 Flaws of the Apportionment Methods

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