Supervision of Police Personnel, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (May 15, 2023) © 2024

  • Nathan F. Iannone
  • Marvin D. Iannone
  • Jeff Bernstein
  • Robert Dowd


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For courses in police administration, management and supervision.

The oft-cited “bible of police supervision”

Supervision of Police Personnel addresses the essential knowledge, skills and characteristics of the professional law enforcement supervisor and manager. Doubling as prep for promotional exams, this longtime bestseller examines key supervisory responsibilities, as well as best practices for handling citizen complaints, problem employees, and the tactical deployment of field forces in critical situations.

The 10th Edition tackles complex management challenges, such as supervising a diverse workforce, evaluating fitness for duty, and responding to active shooters. This edition has a new dictionary of terms specific to supervising police personnel.

Hallmark features of this title

Time-tested preparation for promotional exams

  • The text is closely aligned with police sergeant and lieutenant job analyses and associated promotional exams.
  • Tips for preparing for promotional exams appear in the preface, including how to use this text as a resource.
  • Photographs in every chapter enhance recall of topics as students prepare for promotional exams.

Legal and professional obligations of leadership

  • Coverage of the legal and professional aspects of leadership aligns the text with current laws as well as preferred practices of progressive police organizations.
  • Proven techniques for leading personnel, such as boosting and maintaining morale, builds an appreciation for supervisory and managerial roles and how to maximize leadership potential.

New and updated features of this title

New content on leadership challenges

  • UPDATED: Diversity and inclusion in supervision is discussed in greater depth in Chapter 3. Topics include supervising a diverse workforce, supervising a multigenerational workforce, and avoiding gender bias and harassment.
  • NEW: Fitness for Duty evaluations are now explored in the chapter Special Problems in Counseling and Remediation (Ch. 8).

Emphasis on policing skills

  • UPDATED: Discussions of the use of force, responding to active shooters, and responding to major fires have been updated in the chapter Tactical Deployment of Field Services (Ch. 13).
  • EXPANDED: Technologies of policing are a major point of focus (Ch. 15). Topics include drones, automated license plate readers (ALPR), body worn cameras, facial recognition software, and artificial intelligence, among several others.

Enhanced exam prep

  • UPDATED: Information on accreditation has been updated (Ch. 2).
  • NEW: A dictionary of terms specific to supervising police personnel is new to the 10th Edition.
  1. The Supervisor's Role
  2. The Supervisor's Function in Organization, Administration, and Management
  3. Leadership, Supervision, and Command Presence
  4. The Training Function: Problems and Approaches to the Instructional Process
  5. Interpersonal Communications
  6. Principles of Employee Interviewing
  7. Some Psychological Aspects of Supervision
  8. Special Problems in Counseling and Remediation
  9. Employee Dissatisfaction and Grievances
  10. Discipline: Principles, Policies, and Practices
  11. Personnel Complaint Investigation Procedures and Techniques
  12. Personnel Evaluation Systems and Performance Rating Standards
  13. Tactical Deployment of Field Forces
  14. Legal Knowledge Every Supervisor and Manager Should Have
  15. Other Important Supervisory and Management Topics


About our authors

Dr. Jeff Bernstein is President of Bernstein & Associates, Inc. He is a consulting psychologist who has experience as a police officer, detective and sergeant. He earned a master's degree in human resource management and is a licensed Doctor of Psychology, as well as a certified assessor and assessor trainer. Dr. Bernstein's post-doctoral studies are in the field of civil service exams and test preparation. He is a published author of training manuals and articles on test preparation and a member of the American Psychological Association and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Dr. Bernstein has prepared more than 100,000 men and women for law enforcement entry and promotional exams and is considered the top public safety test preparation expert in the country. Dr. Bernstein has represented PBA and FOP lodges throughout the country on public safety test preparation and is a member of both unions. During his tenure as a police officer, Dr. Bernstein received 20 commendations, was selected twice as the Most Outstanding Officer of the Month, and received the Medal of Valor. His students have obtained the highest scores on promotional exams.

Robert Dowd is a retired Chief of Police with 26 years of experience in municipal policing. During his tenure as a police chief, he was responsible for overseeing a highly diverse accredited metropolitan police department in New Jersey. Chief Dowd holds a Master of Science in Criminal Justice, and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from New Jersey City University. He is certified by the New Jersey Police Training Commission as a police academy instructor and earned his Certified Public Manager (CPM) designation from Rutgers University. He is also Board Certified in Security Management from ASIS International. Chief Dowd attended the FBI's Law Enforcement Executive Development Training and was designated as an Advanced Level Accredited Chief Executive by the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. He currently works as an Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice at New Jersey City University. In addition, Chief Dowd is an instructor for Bernstein & Associates. He has provided promotional exam instruction to thousands of law enforcement officers. Chief Dowd was invited to the White House to participate in a briefing regarding the President's 21st Century Task Force Report on Policing. He has also studied abroad at the College of Policing in Manchester, England. Chief Dowd is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. He is also a past president of the Hudson County Chiefs of Police Association.

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