Studying Rhythm, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 2, 2018) © 2019

  • Anne Carothers Hall Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Timothy P. Urban Rutgers University


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For courses in Music Theory, Musical Skills or Sight Singing.

A thorough, practical introduction to rhythm

Studying Rhythm introduces students to the basic processes and complexities of musical rhythm. Authors Anne Hall and Timothy Urban help students develop the ability to perform all kinds of rhythmic patterns accurately at sight. The text offers more than 300 rhythmic studies, each with short preliminary exercises, that are intended to be sung, spoken, and tapped or clapped.

The 4th Edition offers fresh examples from the standard repertory as well as new material on structured improvisation.

Hallmark features of this title

  • The text's rhythmic studies highlight a variety of traditional musical forms such as binary, rounded binary, ternary, variations, canon, period and sentence.
  • The studies are of sufficient length to afford repetition, reinforce learning and facilitate practice in maintaining a steady tempo.
  • Many 2-part, and some 3-part, studies provide practice in solo and ensemble performance of different rhythms and, in later chapters, conflicting rhythms at the same time.
  • The included rhythmic studies are suitable not only for reading, but also for dictation, improvisation and composition.
  • A chapter dedicated to cross-rhythms based on patterns found in African music helps students achieve a well-rounded understanding of rhythm.

New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: Additional, single-line studies in the earlier chapters further reinforce basic reading fluency in all common meters and of all common rhythm patterns.
  • UPDATED: Brief preparatory exercises for each group of studies have been updated with the addition of counting, Kodály and Takadimi syllables.
  • NEW: Fresh examples from the standard repertory illustrate the main features of each chapter.
  • NEW: Material on structured improvisation has been included at the end of each chapter.
  1. Simple Duple Meter
  2. Simple Triple Meter
  3. Simple Quadruple Meter
  4. Dotted Quarters and Tied Notes in Simple Meter
  5. Compound Duple Meter
  6. Sixteenth Notes in Simple Meter
  7. Dotted Eighths in Simple Meter
  8. Sixteenth Notes in Six-Eight Meter
  9. More Rests and Syncopation in Simple Meter
  10. More Rests and Syncopation in Six-Eight Meter
  11. Nine-Eight and Twelve-Eight Meter
  12. Triplets
  13. Two Against Three
  14. Half-Note Beat (Simple Meter)
  15. Dotted-Half-Note Beat (Compound Meter)
  16. Eighth Note Beat
  17. Dotted Eighth Note Beat (Compound Meter)
  18. Small Subdivisions
  19. Changing Simple Meter
  20. Changing Compound Meter
  21. Changing between Simple and Compound Meter with the Division Constant
  22. Changing between Simple and Compound Meter with the Beat Constant
  23. Three Notes in Two Beats and Two Notes in Three Beats
  24. Four Against Three
  25. Four Notes in Three Beats and Three Notes in Four Beats
  26. Quintuplets and Septuplets
  27. Five-Eight and Five-Four Meter
  28. More Meters with Unequal Beats
  29. Changing Meters with Unequal Beats
  30. More Cross Rhythms
  31. Tempo Modulation

About our authors

Anne Hall earned B.M., M.M., and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Michigan and studied in Paris with Nadia Boulanger for 3 years. After teaching at Mars Hill College in North Carolina and St. Olaf College in Minnesota, in 1976 she joined, as Director of Music Theory, the fledgling Faculty of Music at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, where she taught until her retirement in 1999. For her last 10 years there she served as Dean of the Faculty of Music.

Although she had also taught piano and music history, she focused her teaching on music theory, especially theory of twentieth-century music, and on musical skills, the importance of which had been emphasized in her study in Paris. For the B.Mus. program at Laurier, she developed 4-year programs in music theory and musical skills. For the latter she composed the first version of Studying Rhythm in the early 1980s.

She served as Co-Chair of Minnesota Women in Higher Education, and later as the first chair of the Status of Women Committee of the Society for Music Theory, and then as the first chair of the Committee on Diversity of the SMT. She also served for 6 years on the Board of the Canadian University Music Society, including 2 years as President.

A major project, begun in 1980, was initiating and editing Jana Skarecky's translation of Základy Modérni Harmonie by Karel Jane ek, Czech composer and theorist. This book, Foundations of Modern Harmony, is scheduled to be published in 2017 by the AMU Press in Prague.

Timothy Urban has been teaching undergraduate aural skills classes at the Mason Gross School of the Arts of Rutgers University for the past 20 years and gives regular clinics and workshops on aural skills pedagogy as well as advising teachers wishing to develop or enhance existing aural skills programs. He received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University after having been a Fulbright scholar at the Kodály Institute, Hungary. He holds graduate performance degrees in recorder and voice as well as an M.F.A in Early Music Performance Practice and continues to perform regularly as both singer and instrumentalist.

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