Struggle for Freedom, The: A History of African Americans, Combined Volume, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (July 30, 2021) © 2019

  • Clayborne Carson Stanford University
  • Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner Haverford College
  • Gary B. Nash University of California, Los Angeles

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ISBN-13: 9780137496679 (2021 update)

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The Struggle for Freedom: A History of African Americans offers a biographical approach to the African American experience. Authors Clayborne Carson, Emma Lapsansky-Werner and Gary Nash provide a compelling narrative of the black experience in America centered around individual African American lives. They weave African American history into a larger story of American economic and political history, emphasizing African Americans' insistent call to the nation to deliver on the constitutional promises made to all its citizens.

The 3rd Edition covers fresh topics including the legacy of Barack Obama's presidency, the state of the contemporary struggle for African American freedom and the meaning of the 2016 presidential election.

1. Ancient Africa
2. Africa and the Atlantic World
3. Africans in Early North America, 1619-1726
4. Africans in Bondage: Early Eighteenth Century to the American Revolution
5. The Revolutionary Era: Crossroads of Freedom
6. After the Revolution: Constructing Free Life and Combating Slavery, 1787-1816
7. African Americans in the Antebellum Era
8. African Americans in the Reform Era, 1831-1850
9. A Prelude to War: The 1850s
10. Civil War and the Promises of Freedom: The Turbulent 1860s
11. Post-Civil War Reconstruction: A New National Era
12. The Post-Reconstruction Era
13. "Colored" Becomes "Negro" in the Progressive Era
14. The Making of a "New Negro": World War I to the Great Depression
15. The New Politics of the Great Depression
16. Fighting Fascism Abroad and Racism at Home
17. Emergence of a Mass Movement against Jim Crow
18. Marching toward Freedom, 1961-1966
19. Resistance, Repression, and Retrenchment, 1967-1978
20. The Search for New Directions During a Conservative Era, 1979-1991
21. Continuing Struggles over Rights and Identity, 1992-2004
22. Barack Obama and the Promise of Change, 2004-Present

Volume I includes Chapters 1-11; Volume II includes Chapters 11-22; The Modern Era includes Chapters 15-22.

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