Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs, 12th edition

Published by Pearson (June 28, 2021) © 2022

  • Edward A. Polloway Lynchburg College, Professor Emeritus
  • James R. Patton University of Texas at Austin
  • Loretta Serna
  • Jenevie W. Bailey

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ISBN-13: 9780136883029 (2021 update)

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Strategies for Teaching Learners with Special Needs presents a comprehensive exploration of how to teach students with mild/high incidence disabilities. It focuses on instructional practices that can be used in diverse, inclusive educational environments. Learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities and emotional and behavioral disorders are all addressed. The text ensures pre- and in-service teachers receive current and applicable instruction for contemporary education.

The 12th Edition has further increased its emphasis on evidence-based practices. It also emphasizes the importance of explicit instruction. New chapters are included on written expression instruction, handwriting and more. There's also significantly expanded information on career and school transition considerations.

Part 1: Teaching Learners with Special Needs

  1. Special Education: An Introduction to Teaching Students with Special Needs
  2. Foundations of Effective Instruction
  3. Teaching and Differentiating Instruction in a Multi-Tiered System of Education
  4. Strategies for Classroom Management and Positive Behavior Supports

Part 2: Content Areas

  1. Reading: Word Recognition
  2. Reading: Comprehension
  3. Handwriting and Spelling
  4. Written Expression
  5. Mathematics
  6. Social Studies
  7. Science
  8. Functional Academics

Part 3: Critical Skills

  1. Study Skills
  2. Social Competence
  3. Self-Determination
  4. Career Development and Transition

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