Statistics with Microsoft Excel, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (September 27, 2011) © 2012

  • Beverly J. Dretzke University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
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Statistics with Microsoft Excel, Fifth Edition, shows readers how to use Microsoft Excel® to perform statistical analysis. This step-by-step guide has been updated to cover the new features and interface of Excel 2010.

Datasets and other resources (where applicable) for this book are available here.
  • A general introduction to Excel covers basic functions, menus, and toolbars before moving on to more advanced features in later chapters.
  • Plentiful screenshots illustrate every procedure, ensuring maximum comprehension and consistent results.
  • Small data sets reduce the time spent on data entry. Most data sets are available on this book's Companion Website.

  • Updated coverage reflects the new features and interface of Microsoft Excel® 2010.

1. Getting Started

1.1 Introduction and Overview

1.2 What May Be Skipped

1.3 Excel Worksheet Basics

1.4 Dialog Boxes

1.5 Accessing Excel Files on the Web site

1.6 Saving Information

1.7 Printing

1.8 Loading Excel's Analysis ToolPak


2. Entering, Editing, and Recoding Information

2.1 Opening Documents

2.2 Entering Information

2.3 Editing Information

2.4 Formatting Numbers

2.5 Recoding

2.6 Sorting


3. Formulas

3.1 Operators

3.2 Using Formulas in Statistics


4. Frequency Distributions

4.1 Frequency Distributions Using Pivot Table and Pivot Chart

4.2 Frequency Distributions Using Data Analysis Tools


5. Descriptive Statistics

5.1 Data Analysis Tools: Descriptive Statistics

5.2 Functions: Descriptive Statistics

5.3 Pivot Table: Descriptive Statistics


6. Probability Distributions

6.1 Discrete Probability Distributions

6.2 Continuous Probability Distributions


7. Testing Hypotheses About One Sample Means

7.1 One-Sample Z-Test

7.2 One-Sample t-Test


8. Testing Hypotheses About the Difference Between Two Means

8.1 t-Test for Two Independent Samples

8.2 Paired-Samples t-Test

8.3 Z-Test for Two Independent Samples


9. Analysis of Variance

9.1 One-Way Between-Groups ANOVA

9.2 One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

9.3 Two-Way Between-Groups ANOVA

9.4 F-Test for Two Sample Variances


10. Correlation

10.1 Pearson Correlation Coefficient

10.2 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient


11. Regression

11.1 Two-Variable Regression

11.2 Multiple Regression

11.3 Dummy Coding of Qualitative Variables

11.4 Curvilinear Regression


12. Cross Tabulations

12.1 Cross Tabulations Using the Pivot Table

12.2 Chi-Square Test of Independence


13. Random Samples

13.1 Random Selection Using the Random Number Generation Tool

13.2 Random Selection Using the Sampling Tool

13.3 Random Selection Using the RANDBETWEEN Function
Beverly J. Dretzke, PhD, is a research associate at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement (CAREI). She serves as a principal investigator and project manager for projects related to program evaluation in school districts throughout Minnesota. Evaluation projects that she has worked on include studies of teacher professional development, Chinese language programs, and small learning communities. Prior to joining the staff at CAREI, Dretzke was a professor of psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire where she taught courses in statistics, measurement, and educational psychology. She received her doctorate in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

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