Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (August 14, 2009) © 2010

  • Louise C. Johnson University of South Dakota
  • Stephen J. Yanca
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  • A print text

Table of Contents


Part One: Perspectives on Social Work Practice 


Chapter 1 Social Work as a Response to Concern/Need

From Concern to Need


Common Human Needs

  Human Development Perspective

  Ecological Perspective

   Strengths Approach

Professions as a Response to Need

Development of Social Work Knowledge

Social Functioning


Chapter  2 Social Work as a Creative Blending of Knowledge, Values, and Skills 




Creative Blending of Knowledge, Values, and Skills

Using Knowledge, Values, and Skills

Intervention into Human Transactions

The Phases of the Change Process


Chapter 3 Diversity Competent Practice

Becoming Diversity Competent

Gender Competence

Diversity Competence with People Who Are Gay Or Lesbian

A Schema for Studying Diverse Ethnic Groups

Diversity Competence with People Who Are African American

Diversity Competence with People Who Are Hispanic/Latino

Diversity Competence with People Who Are Native American



Part Two  The Interactional Process and the Ecosystem


Chapter 4 The Worker

Knowledge of Self

   The Person as a Feeling, Thinking, Acting System

   Lifestyle and Philosophy of Life

   Moral Code and Value System

   Family and Cultural Roots

  Life Experiences

  Personal Needs

   Personal Functioning

The Helping Person

   Characteristics of a Helping Person

    Responsibility and Authority

   Helping Skills

Ethical Decision Making



   Effect of Privacy and Open-Access Laws

   Use of Computers


Chapter 5  The Client

Becoming a Client

Understanding the Individual Client

  Vital Roles

  Human Diversity

  Motivation, Capacity, and Opportunity

  Stress and Crisis Determination

  Strengths and Uniqueness of Clients


Chapter 6  Environment  

Person in Environment as an Ecosystem

The Community as a Social System

Understanding the Agency

Transactions between Person and Ecosystem

Working in a Bureaucracy


Chapter 7 Interaction and Engagement

Engagement and Formation of a One-to-One Action System


  The Helping Relationship

   Special Influences on the Helping Relationship


The Interview: An Interactional Tool

  Preparing for an Interview

  The Stages of an Interview

   Skills Used by the Worker during the Interview



Part Three: The Social Work Process 


Chapter 8 Assessment

The Assessment Process

Selection of the Client System

Important Elements of the Assessment Phase


Stages in the Assessment Phase

  Identify the Need or Concern

  Identify the Nature of the Need or Concern

   Identify Potential Strengths and Resources in the Ecosystem

  Select and Collect Information

   Analyze the Available Information

Transactional Assessment

  The Dual Perspective


   Social Support Network Analysis


Chapter 9 Planning

Empirically Base Practice

A Model for Good Practices in Generalist Social Work Practice

Components of a Plan

  Goals and Objectives

  Units of Attention


Factors Affecting a Plan of Action

  The Community

  The Agency

  The Social Issue

  The Worker

  The Client

  Diversity and Populations at Risk

     Strengths and Challenges of the Systems  Involved

The Planning Process

Agreement between Worker and Client


Chapter 10 Direct Practice Actions

Action to Enable Clients to Use Available Resources

  The Service Delivery System


  Broker and Advocate Roles

Action to Empower and Enable Clients

Action in Response to Crisis

  Recognizing Crisis

    Responding to Crisis

Action That Is Supportive

Use of Activity as an Interventive Strategy

Actions Utilizing Other Theories and Models

   Brief and Solution Focused Models

   Person Centered Theory

   Task Centered Models

   Narrative Approaches

   Afrocentric Approach

   Feminist Practice

   Practice with People Who Are Gay Or Lesbian


Chapter 11 Indirect Practice Actions

Action as Mediation


Environmental Change

Coordination of Services

 Case Management

Actions to Change Organizations

Actions to Change the Community


Chapter 12 Evaluation and Termination

Kinds of Evaluation

Single-System Design and Research Techniques in Evaluation

Evaluation during Phases of the Change Process

Kinds of Termination

Planned Termination with Individuals

Components of Termination


  Stabilization of Change



Part Four: Multiperson Systems and Good Practices in Generalist Practice


Chapter 13 Generalist Practice with Families

The Family as a Multiperson Client System

Variations in Family Form

The Change Process with Families

  Assessment with Families

  The Planning Phase with Families

  Direct and Indirect Practice Actions with Families

   Evaluation and Termination with Families


Chapter 14 Generalist Practice with Groups

Group Purpose

Assessment with Small Groups

  Assessing the Small Group as a Social System

Planning with Small Groups

  Planning for a New Group

  Planning for Group Sessions

  Planning within Group Sessions

Direct Practice Actions with Small Groups

  Actions to Facilitate Group Formation

  Actions to Facilitate Discussion Leadership

  Actions to Resolve Conflict

  Actions to Enhance Group Interaction

  Actions to Facilitate Group Development

  Actions to Structure Group Activities

Evaluation and Termination with Small Groups

Self-Help Groups


Chapter 15 Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities

Macropractice and Social Justice

Needs Assessment

Program Planning and Resource Development

Changing Organizations from Within

The Social Worker as a Group Member

  Issues in Group Participation

  Use of the Team


    Social Work Tasks

Involvement of Influentials


Cause Advocacy

Community Organization


Chapter 16 Models and Good Practices in Generalist Social Work Practice

Models of Social Work Practice

  Behavior Therapy (Sociobehavioral)

  Case Management

  Cognitive (Rational, Reality Theory)

  Communication (Communicative-Interactive)

  Crisis Intervention


  Ecological (Life Model)

  Feminist Practice

  Gestalt Therapy


  Locality Development


  Problem Solving

  Social Action

  Social Planning

    Strengths Perspective


Good Practices in Generalist Social Work

  Good Practice in Aging Services

  Good Practice in Chemical Dependence Services

  Good Practice in Child Welfare

  Good Practice in Domestic Violence Services

  Good Practice in Health Care Settings

  Good Practice in Mental Health

     Good Practice in Youth and Delinquency  Services


Appendix: Chapter Notes




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