Skilled Reader, The, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (January 26, 2014) © 2014

  • D J Henry Daytona State College
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  • A print text

The Skilled Reader is an "intorductory" level book that combines solid skill instruction with a wealth of guided practice to develop the key abilities students need to become skilled readers and critical thinkers.

The author integrates reading skills with the reading process (SQ3R) to produce more skilled readers and lead students to discover the power and pleasure of reading. Providing step-by-step reading instruction, a wide range of practice and test materials, and a rich selection of authentic readings from textbooks and other sources, the author makes students responsible for their reading – improving their major reading skills while developing a system for reading.


Brief Contents

Detailed Contents


Part 1: Becoming a Skilled Reader   1

               1            A Reading System for Skilled Readers          3

               2            Vocabulary in Context             45

               3            Vocabulary-Building Skills    85

               4            Topics and Main Ideas            135

               5            Locating Stated Main Ideas  177

               6            Implied Main Ideas    219

               7            Supporting Details     265

               8            Outlines and Concept Maps  305

               9            Transitions and Thought Patterns   345

               10          More Thought Patterns          393

               11          Inferences 437

Part 2

Additional Readings  471

Part 3

Combined-Skills Tests            547

Part 4

Reading Enrichment 565

Word Parts      567

ESL Reading Tips (available only in The Skilled Reader eText)

Reading Graphics (available only in The Skilled Reader eText)

Text Credits    C-1

Photo Credits  C-3

Index  I-1


Detailed Contents


Part One: Becoming a Skilled Reader             1



Chapter 1: A Reading System for Skilled Readers  3

Define Prior Knowledge         3

Use the Reading Process with SQ3R              6

Survey and Question Before Reading                           7

               Survey               7

               Question           8

Read and Annotate During Reading               10

               Read    10

               Annotate          11

Recite and Review After Reading     13

               Recite  13

               Review              14

Develop Textbook Skills: Ask and Answer Questions Before, During, and After Reading                              16

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of the Reading Process          19

Academic Application             19

               Personal Application               21

               Career Application     24

Review Tests 26

After Reading About a Reading System for Skilled Readers           33

Mastery Tests               35

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of a Reading System for Skilled Readers   43


Chapter 2: Vocabulary in Context             45

Vocabulary in Context                            45

Define Vocabulary      46

Analyze Context Clues Using SAGE  46

               Synonyms        47

               Antonyms        49

               General Context           53

               Examples         55

Develop Textbook Skills: Using Visual Vocabulary              57

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Vocabulary and Dictionary Skills      59

               Academic Application             60

               Personal Application               62

               Career Application     64

Review Tests 65

After Reading About Vocabulary in Context             73

Mastery Tests               75

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Vocabulary in Context    83



Chapter 3: Vocabulary-Building Skills           85

Before Reading About Vocabulary-Building Skills 85

Analyze Word Parts: Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes          86

               Roots   88

               Prefixes                            90

               Suffixes             92

               Additional Word Parts                           94

Use an Online Dictionary       94

               How to Find Words in the Print Dictionary               95

               How to Access and Read an Online Dictionary Entry          96

Develop Textbook Skills: Learning Content Words and Textbook Definitions   103

               Content Words                            103

               Textbook Definitions              104

               Glossaries        106

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Vocabulary-Building Skills                   108

Academic Application                            109

               Personal Application               111

               Career Application     112

Review Tests 113

After Reading About Vocabulary-Building Skills    123

Mastery Tests               125

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Vocabulary-Building Skills          132


Chapter 4:  Topics and Main Ideas   135

Before Reading About Topics and Main Ideas         135

Define the Term Topic                            136

Distinguish Between General Ideas and Specific Ideas      138

Identify the Topic of a Paragraph     140

Define and Identify the Main Idea of a Paragraph  143

Define and Identify Supporting Details in a Paragraph      147

Develop Textbook Skills: Identify Topics in Headings       151

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Topics and Main Ideas            153

               Academic Applications           154

               Personal Applications                            155

               Career Applications   156

Review Tests 157

After Reading About Topics and Main Ideas                           166

               Mastery Tests               167

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Topics and Main Ideas    175


Chapter 5: Locating Stated Main Ideas         177

Before Reading About Locating Stated Main Ideas              177

Analyze the Flow of Ideas and Identify Placement of Topic Sentences    178

               Topic Sentence at the Beginning of a Paragraph    178

               Topic Sentence Within a Paragraph               179

               Topic Sentence at the End of a Paragraph   182

               Topic Sentences at the Beginning and the End of a Paragraph      185

Recognize the Central Idea and the Thesis Statement        188

Develop Textbook Skills: Identify Topics, Main Ideas, and Central Ideas in Textbook Passages           190

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Stated Main Ideas       192

               Academic Application             192

               Personal Application               193

               Career Application     195

Review Tests 196

After Reading About Locating Stated Main Ideas  206

Mastery Tests               207

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Locating Stated Main Ideas         215


Chapter 6: Implied Main Ideas           217

Before Reading About Implied Main Ideas 217

Define the Term Implied Main Idea  218

Analyze Supporting Details to Identify and State the Topic                          220

Determine the Implied Main Idea Using Topics, Supporting Details, and  Thought Patterns            224

Annotate the Paragraph to Determine the Implied Main Idea      228

Create a Topic Sentence from Supporting Details 232

Develop Textbook Skills: Use Graphics as Details That Imply a Main Idea           236

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Implied Main Ideas    237

               Academic Application             238

               Personal Application               239

               Career Application     240

Review Tests 241

After Reading About Implied Main Ideas    250

Mastery Tests               251

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Implied Main Ideas          259


Chapter 7: Supporting Details            261

Before Reading About Supporting Details  261

Create Questions to Locate Supporting Details      262

Distinguish Between Major and Minor Details        265

Develop Textbook Skills: Create a Summary            270

               Draft a Summary: Stated Main Ideas             270

               Draft a Summary: Implied Main Ideas          273

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Supporting Details     276

               Academic Application             277

               Personal Application               278

               Career Application     280

Review Tests 281

After Reading About Supporting Details     290

Mastery Tests               291

Chapter Review: Summary of Key  Concepts of Supporting Details           299


Chapter 8: Outlines and Concept Maps         301

Before Reading About Outlines and Concept Maps              301

Create Outlines                           302

Create Concept Maps               306

Develop Textbook Skills: The Table of Contents    309

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Outlines and Concept Maps  312

               Academic Application             312

               Personal Application               315

               Career Application     316

Review Tests 318

After Reading About Outlines and Concept Maps  328

Mastery Tests               329

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Outlines and Concept Maps         337


Chapter 9: Transitions and Thought Patterns          339

Before Reading About Transitions and Thought Patterns               339

State the Purpose of Transition Words and Thought Patterns      340

Recognize Transition Words to Determine Relationships Within a Sentence    341

Recognize Thought Patterns to Determine Relationships Between Sentences  343

Recognize the Pattern of Organization of a Passage            344

               The Time Order Pattern         345

               The Space Order Pattern        349

               The Listing Pattern    352

               The Classification Pattern     354

Develop Textbook Skills: Transitions and Clear Information        356

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Transitions and Thought Patterns   360

               Academic Application             360

               Personal Application               362

               Career Application     364

Review Tests 366

After Reading About Transitions and Thought Patterns   374

Mastery Tests               375

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of Transitions and Thought Patterns               383


Chapter 10: More Thought Patterns               385

Before Reading About More Thought Patterns       385

Recognize the Comparison-and-Contrast Pattern and Signal Words        386

               Comparison Pattern Signal Words   386

               Contrast Pattern Signal Words          388

               The Comparison-and-Contrast Pattern        390

Recognize the Cause-and-Effect Pattern and Signal Words                           393

Recognize the Generalization-and-Example Pattern and Signal Words  397

Develop Textbook Skills: Recognize the Definition-and-Example Pattern in Textbooks               399

Develop Textbook Skills: Thought Patterns in Textbooks              401

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of More Thought Patterns        403

               Academic Applications           404

               Personal Applications                            405

               Career Applications                  406      

Review Tests 408

After Reading About More Thought Patterns           418

Mastery Tests                              419

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts of More Thought Patterns  427


Chapter 11: Inferences            429

Before Reading About Inferences    429

Describe Inferences as Educated Guesses  430

Make Inferences: The Role of Fact and Opinion      431

Define a Valid Inference         434

Apply the VALID Approach to Make Inferences and Avoid Invalid Conclusions               437

               Step 1: Verify the Facts           438

               Step 2: Assess Prior Knowledge        439

               Step 3: Learn from the Text  440

               Step 4: Investigate for Bias   441

               Step 5: Detect Contradictions             442

Develop Textbook Skills: Inferences and Visual Aids         445

Apply Information Literacy Skills: Academic, Personal, and Career Applications of Inferences       446

               Academic Application             446

               Personal Application               449

               Career Application     450

Review Tests 452

After Reading About Inferences        460

Mastery Tests               461      

Chapter Review: Summary of Key Concepts About Inferences     469


Part 2: Additional Readings  471

The Connection Between Reading and Writing      472

               Annotating a Text       472

               A Read­ings–Writing Plan of Action 474

1 Shoulders     476

               By Nels Gould


2 Women of Courage 483

               By Michelle Obama


3 A Dad at the Final Frontier               490

               By Marc Parent


4 A Perplexing Lesson             496

               By Mark Twain


5 I’ve Seem the Worst That War Can Do       505

               By Nikolay Palchikoff


6 To Tell the Truth     512

               By Maya Angelou       


7 What Is Exercise, and Why Should I Do It?  518

               By Scott K. Powers, Stephen L. Dodd, and Erica M. Jackson


8 Conversation             525

               By Joseph A. DeVito


9 The Secrets of the Bedroom            533

               By Malcolm Gladwell


10 Horse Walking       541

               By Bucky McMahon


Part 3: Combined-Skills Tests   547

Part 4

Reading Enrichment 567

Word Parts  569

ESL Reading Tips (available only in The Skilled Reader eText)

Reading Graphics (available only in The Skilled Reader eText)


Text Credits    C-1

Photo Credits P-1

Index I-1

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