Sam Houston and the American Southwest, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (May 23, 2006) © 2007

  • Randolph B. Campbell

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles

In this biography, Randolph B. Campbell explores the life of Sam Houston and his important role in the development of the Southwest.

Governor of two states, president of an independent republic, and for thirteen years a United States senator, Sam Houston forged a life of great adventure, frequent controversy, and lasting achievement. Within the historical context of the emerging West, Houston’s story is not only one of courage and fortitude, but also aids in understanding of the possibilities and limitations of leadership in a Democratic society.

The titles in the Library of American Biography Series make ideal supplements for American History Survey courses or other courses in American history where figures in history are explored.  Paperback, brief, and inexpensive, each interpretive biography in this series focuses on a figure whose actions and ideas significantly influenced the course of American history and national life. In addition, each biography relates the life of its subject to the broader themes and developments of the times.

  • This indispensable text follows Houston from his early days as a barely-educated clerk in Tennessee to his rise as an unmatched politician who assured the success of the Texas revolution.

  • A new preface by Series Editor Mark Carnes illustrates why this biography is such a valued addition to the series.
  • Study and Discussion Questions at the end of the book help students check their reading and comprehension. These questions can also be used to facilitate discussions in the classroom or student study groups.
  • Along with a new Preface, each chapter of the book has been updated to better reflect the most recent scholarship.


Editor’s Preface

Author’s Preface

“You Shall Hear of Me”
  1. “A Particular Friend of Mine”
  2. “A Voluntary Exile”
  3. “The Finest Country…Upon the Globe”
  4. “If I Err, the Blame is Mine”
  5. “Perfectly Aware of the Difficulties that Surround Me”
  6. “The Only Man for Texas”
  7. “Annexation to the Mother Country is Assured”
  8. “Stir Not Up Agitation!”
  9. “Whipsters and Demagogues"


Study and Discussion Questions

A Note on the Sources


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