Chapter 1. Introduction to Rhetoric and Rhetorical Analysis
What is Rhetoric?
What is Rhetorical Analysis?
What is the Rhetorical Perspective?
What Can you Find in this Book?
Chapter 2 Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation
Aspects of the Rhetorical Situation
Analysis 1: Kairos and the Rhetorical Situation in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
Analysis 2: Volkswagen’s 1960 “Why” Ad and the Historical-Cultural Context
Writing a Kairos Analysis
Student Analysis of Kairos and a Recent Documentary:
Rebecca Reilly, “The Kairos of War”
Chapter 3 Argumentation
The Classical Pisteis: Ethos, Logos, Pathos
Reasons and Evidence: the Artistic and Inartistic Pisteis
Argument and the Structure of Practical Reasoning
Classical Terms for Argument:
Enthymeme and Epicheireme
More Classical Terms: “Topics” and “Stases” of Argument
Sample Analysis: Enthymematic Argument in the First Half of “Letter from Birmingham Jail”
Writing an Argument Analysis
Student Analysis of Argument in a Video Game:
David Daniels, “Building an Electronic Empire
with Argument”
Chapter 4 Structure
Basic Princi