Research Methods for Business Students, 8th edition
Published by Pearson (May 27, 2019) © 2019
- Mark N. K. Saunders Professor of Business Research Methods, University of Birmingham
- Philip Lewis Formerly of University of Gloucestershire
- Adrian Thornhill Formerly of University of Gloucestershire
Price Reduced From: $233.32
Discover more about the methodology that will help you conduct the research for your project or dissertation in Business, with this ultimate guide.
Research Methods for Business Students, 8th edition is the definitive, step-by-step book for students who want to complete their dissertation or research-led project.
From choosing your topic and critically reviewing the literature to designing, writing, and presenting your research, this text is structured to guide you through the entire process.
The latest edition further includes updated features, up-to-date cases, and new examples that will help you complete and successfully present your project report.
This edition includes a Companion Website.
This edition is also available in Revel.
Research Methods for Business Students by Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill is now officially the most highly cited text in business, marketing, accounting, and economics, according to the global Power Teaching Rankings, 2021.
This new ranking measure compiled for the Financial Times draws from global data, coming from 5m titles cited in more than 7m syllabuses, establishing this as a leading textbook, not only amongst disciplines but also in student research around the world.
Source article from the Financial Times: Harvard's 'teaching power' puts business school in the lead for influence.
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