Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2020

  • Anthony M. Graziano State University of New York Buffalo
  • Michael L. Raulin State University of New York at Buffalo
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Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry offers you a programmatic approach to psychology research methodologies. This comprehensive research methodology text has been carefully constructed to introduce important topics in a systematic, conceptually relevant way. The authors introduce complex concepts such as validity and statistical inference early in the text, then expand upon them in subsequent chapters. This approach creates a coherent model that makes complex material more accessible.

The 9th Edition has been heavily updated, including coverage of new topics, updated examples and references and more. New Opening Vignettes present classic and recent research that illustrates the key concepts of the chapter.

1. Curiosity, Creativity, and Commitment
2. Research Is a Process of Inquiry
3. The Starting Point: Asking Questions
4. Data and the Nature of Measurement
5. Statistical Analysis of Date
6. Field Research: Naturalistic and Case Study Research
7. Correlational and Differential Methods of Research
8. Hypothesis Testing, Validity, and Threats to Validity
9. Controls to Reduce Threats to Validity
10. Single-Variable, Independent-Groups Design
11. Correlated-Groups and Single-Subject Designs
12. Factorial Designs
13. A Second Look at Field Research

Appendix A: Using the Student Resource Website
Appendix B: Random Numbers
Appendix C: Answers to Quick-Check Questions

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