Quality Management for Organizational Excellence: Introduction to Total Quality, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (October 25, 2024) © 2021

  • David L. Goetsch University of West Florida and Oskaloosa-Walton
  • Stanley Davis Stan Davis Consulting


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  1. The Total Quality Approach to Quality Management: Achieving Organizational Excellence
  2. Quality and Global Competitiveness
  3. Strategic Management: Planning and Execution for Competitive Advantage
  4. Quality Management, Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility
  5. Partnering and Strategic Alliances
  6. Quality Culture: Changing Hearts, Minds, and Attitudes
  7. Customer Satisfaction, Retention, and Loyalty
  8. Employee Empowerment
  9. Leadership and Change
  10. Team Building and Teamwork
  11. Effective Communication
  12. Education and Training
  13. Overcoming Politics, Negativity, and Conflict in the Workplace
  14. ISO 9000 and Total Quality: The Relationship


  1. Overview of Total Quality Tools
  2. Problem Solving and Decision Making
  3. Quality Function Deployment
  4. Optimizing and Controlling Processes Through Statistical Process Control
  5. Continual Improvement Methods with Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma, and More
  6. Benchmarking
  7. Just-in-Time/Lean Manufacturing (JIT/Lean)
  8. Implementing Total Quality Management

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