Psychology, 13th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2020

  • Carole Wade Dominican University of California
  • Carol Tavris American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science
  • Samuel R Sommers Tufts University
  • Lisa M. Shin Tufts University

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ISBN-13: 9780137533626 (2021 update)

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Psychology is designed to help you learn to think like a psychologist, and to understand why scientific and critical thinking is so important to the decisions you make in your own life. Updating the vision of longtime authors Carole Wade and Carol Tavris, new co-authors Samuel Sommers and Lisa Shin breathe new life into the text through modern pop culture references and coverage of real-world events.

The 13th Edition includes new and updated content to ensure an up-to-date overview of the discipline. The inclusion of the latest research in each chapter reflects progress in the field and cutting-edge discoveries. And the authors report new findings from biology and neuroscience wherever relevant.

1. What Is Psychology?
2. How Psychologists Do Research
3. Genes, Evolution, and Environment
4. The Brain and the Nervous System
5. Sensation and Perception
6. Consciousness and Sleep
7. Learning
8. Memory
9. Thinking and Intelligence
10. The Major Motives. Food, Love, Sex, and Work
11. Emotion, Stress, and Health
12. Development over the Lifespan
13. Social Psychology
14. Theories of Personality
15. Psychological Disorders
16. Approaches to Treatment and Therapy

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