Psychological Science: Modeling Scientific Literacy, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (May 1, 2019) © 2016

  • Mark Krause Southern Oregon University
  • Daniel Corts Augustana College


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REVEL for Psychological Science: Modeling Scientific Literacy helps students view psychology as a practical, modern science—and gives them the tools to better understand our world. Throughout the second edition, authors Mark Krause and Daniel Corts continue to emphasize scientific literacy: the ability not only to define scientific terminology, but also to understand how it functions, to evaluate it critically, and to apply it to personal and societal matters. In addition to helping students master key course objectives, learning how to think scientifically will enable students to categorize the overwhelming amount of information they encounter, as well as ignite their interest in psychological science.
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  • REVEL’s assignment calendar allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates. This clear, detailed schedule helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as to which material will be covered during each class. And when students know what is expected of them, they're better motivated to keep up.
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An emphasis on thinking scientifically, and applying psychological concepts

• Modeling the processes of scientific thinking, Psychological Scienceemphasizes the four interrelated components that comprise scientific literacy:
  1. Knowledge – What do we know about a phenomenon?
  2. Scientific explanation – How does science explain the psychological process we are examining?
  3. Critical thinking – How do we interpret and evaluate all types of information, including scientific reporting?
  4. Application – How does research apply to your own life and to society?
This scientific perspective provides students with a systematic way to categorize the overwhelming amount of information they are confronted with, and helps them understand the relevance, practicality, and immense appeal of psychological science. 
• UPDATED! Working the Scientific Literacy Model sections within each module walk students through the steps of gathering knowledge, approaching the problem from a scientific standpoint, using critical thinking, and revealing applications. For the second edition, the authors have updated much of the research, and in some cases the replaced topics covered, in theWorking the Scientific Literacy Model features. 
• NEW! In the second edition, the end-of-chapter section has been renamed The Scientific Literacy Challenge. This revised chapter-ending feature enables students to practice applying scientific and critical thinking to an important, contemporary issue.The Scientific Literacy Challenge prompts students to read author-created blog entries, editorials, or advertisements about the given topic, evaluate them from a scientific literacy perspective, and demonstrate their understanding via journal prompts, as well as multiple-choice, matching, and true/false questions. Topics explored include free-range parenting, cognitive enhancement drugs, and college admissions testing.
• Psychological Science helps students attain a basic understanding of research methodology, which is essential in order to think critically within a scientific framework.

Features that foster active learning and deep retention

• UPDATED! Brief vignettes at the beginning of each module emphasize the personal and societal relevance of the topics to be covered. Each vignette concludes with questions that prepare students to think critically about the module’s content. Many of the vignettes in the second edition have been updated to include relevant, contemporary examples.
• Learning objectives of increasing depth (knowing, understanding, analyzing and applying) help students stay on track as they read and work through each module. End-of-module quizzes revisit the learning objectives and assess learning at each level. 
• NEW! Journal prompts in each module prime students to think deeply about specific topics, take a stance on an issue, or apply a concept to their own lives and experiences. 
• Myths in Mind features set the record straight about commonly held beliefs in a concise and informative way, with examples that are relevant to today’s students.
• Chapter in Focus sections at the end of each chapter examine the major themes of the chapter, and allow students to reflect on what they’ve learned.
Psych@ features reveal everyday, personally relevant applications of psychological science.
• Biopsychosocial Perspectives features remind students that behavior is affected by biology, individual thoughts and experiences, and social and cultural factors.
• UPDATED! The topics covered throughout Psychological Science involve ongoing and exciting research. Therefore, each chapter in the second edition has been updated accordingly, and, in many places, the authors have added coverage of important new topics.

Dynamic content matched to the way today's students read, think, and learn brings content to life

  • Integrated within the narrative, interactives and videos empower students to engage with concepts and take an active role in learning. REVEL's unique presentation of media as an intrinsic part of course content brings the hallmark features of Pearson's bestselling titles to life. REVEL's media interactives have been designed to be completed quickly, and its videos are brief, so students stay focused and on task.
  • Located throughout REVEL, quizzing affords students opportunities to check their understanding at regular intervals before moving on.
  • REVEL’s fully mobile learning experience enables students to read and interact with course material on the devices they use, anywhere and anytime. Responsive design allows students to access REVEL on their tablet devices and smart phones, with content displayed clearly in both portrait and landscape view.
  • Highlighting, note taking, and a glossary let students read and study however they like. Educators can add notes for students, too, including reminders or study tips.

Superior assignability and tracking tools help educators make sure students are completing their reading and understanding core concepts

  • REVEL’s assignment calendar allows educators to indicate precisely which readings must be completed on which dates. This clear, detailed schedule helps students stay on task by eliminating any ambiguity as to which material will be covered during each class. And when students know what is expected of them, they're better motivated to keep up.
  • REVEL’s performance dashboard lets educators monitor class assignment completion as well as individual student achievement. It offers actionable information that helps educators intersect with their students in meaningful ways, such as points earned on quizzes and tests and time on task. Of particular note, the trending column reveals whether students' grades are improving or declining – which helps educators identify students who might need help to stay on track.
An emphasis on thinking scientifically, and applying psychological concepts
• UPDATED! Working the Scientific Literacy Model sections within each module walk students through the steps of gathering knowledge, approaching the problem from a scientific standpoint, using critical thinking, and revealing applications. For the second edition, the authors have updated much of the research, and in some cases the replaced topics covered, in the Working the Scientific Literacy Model features. 
• In the second edition, the end-of-chapter section has been renamed The Scientific Literacy Challenge. This revised chapter-ending feature enables students to practice applying scientific and critical thinking to an important, contemporary issue.The Scientific Literacy Challenge prompts students to read author-created blog entries, editorials, or advertisements about the given topic, evaluate them from a scientific literacy perspective, and demonstrate their understanding via journal prompts, as well as multiple-choice, matching, and true/false questions. Topics explored include free-range parenting, cognitive enhancement drugs, and college admissions testing. 
Features that foster active learning and deep retention
• UPDATED! Brief vignettes at the beginning of each module emphasize the personal and societal relevance of the topics to be covered. Each vignette concludes with questions that prepare students to think critically about the module’s content. Many of the vignettes in the second edition have been updated to include relevant, contemporary examples.
• Journal prompts in each module prime students to think deeply about specific topics, take a stance on an issue, or apply a concept to their own lives and experiences.

The topics covered throughout Psychological Science involve ongoing and exciting research. Therefore, each chapter in the second edition has been updated accordingly, and, in many places, the authors have added coverage of important new topics. Highlights of new and updated content include:
• Chapter 1, “Introducing Psychological Science” includes additional instruction on thinking critically about sources. Student learn to evaluate a message by considering the author or speaker, the purpose of the article, the publisher or presenter, and other factors that affect the reliability and quality of the message. Interactive exercises help students understand the ways in which psychological science may be expanded into other fields, such as sports psychology.
• Chapter 2, “Reading and Evaluating Psychological Research” provides additional tools to think about and understand the outcomes of research. The coverage of correlational methods is supplemented by instruction on how to think about what it means to be a small, medium, or large correlation. Similar improvements have been made to the discussion on how to understand group differences in experimental and quasi-experimental research. 
• Chapter 3, “Biological Psychology” now begins by asking students to think about Paleo diets as a way to introduce evolutionary psychology. There is a new section introducing epigenetics. Citations and coverage have been expanded on topics of genomics, neurogenesis and brain plasticity, and brain imaging technology. 
• Chapter 4, “Sensation and Perception” includes new interactive features for applying signal detection theory and monocular depth cues, and updated research and coverage of subliminal perception, multi-tasking, phantom limb therapies, and object recognition.
• Chapter 5, “Consciousness” includes a new Working the Scientific Literacy Model feature on the neurocognitive theory of dreaming, updated coverage on how marijuana and other drugs affect cognition, and new research on dream sleep and memory, and the therapeutic effects of hypnosis and meditation.  
• Chapter 6, “Learning” includes updated coverage of applications of classical conditioning (including taste aversions), advertisement, and drug tolerance. New in-text activities enable students to practice concepts of classical and operant conditioning. The chapter also includes updated research and expanded personal application opportunities on the topic of cognitive and long-term learning, and a revised Work the Scientific Literacy Model activity to balance coverage of research on video game playing and violent behavior. 
 Chapter 7, “Memory” features more coverage of applications including strengthening memories and the reliability of eyewitness testimony.
• Chapter 8, “Thought and Language” makes more connections between the often very abstract theories of reasoning and daily experience. For example, students can learn about individual differences in the reliance on representativeness, and how these differences relate to interest in superstition, the paranormal, and conspiracy theories. 
• Chapter 9, “Intelligence, Aptitude, and Cognitive Abilities” includes updated citations and research, especially when covering intelligence and the brain. Also, the chapter prompts students to debate whether colleges and universities should consider personality tests as a supplement to, or even a replacement for, traditional college aptitude tests. 
• Chapter 10, “Lifespan Development” includes expanded and updated coverage of preterm infant development, child cognitive development, adolescent sexuality, brain development, and identity.
• Chapter 11, “Motivation and Emotion” offers updated research on sex and the brain, sexual orientation, neural and psychological bases of hunger and eating, and the effects of loneliness and mental and physical health. The chapter also includes a new in-text activity on achievement motivation.
• Chapter 12, “Personality” includes updated coverage of cultural and evolutionary influences on personality, cultural variation, and psychodynamic views on personality. Other updates include new practice application activities for the Big 5, an updated discussion of scientific research on suppression, and critical analysis of Freud’s views on personality. 
• Chapter 13, “Psychological Disorders” has been updated to reflect DSM 5 revisions and recent prevalence statistics when available. 
• Chapter 14, “Therapies” includes a new Working the Scientific Literacy Model feature about the use of mobile apps designed to improve mental health, and updated coverage of topics such as empirically supported treatments, precision medicine and cultural factors related to drug treatments, and the effects of nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids on health. The chapter now features a reduced emphasis on outdated anti-depressant drugs coupled with expanded coverage of potential new treatments (e.g., low-dose ketamine).
• Chapter 15, “Social Psychology” includes updated and modified coverage of stereotypes and person perception. This reflects increased national awareness of the use of force by law enforcement, an extremely important topic that is also very engaging for students.
• Chapter 16, “Health, Stress, and Coping” includes updated coverage on the effects of media exposure on health related behaviors (smoking), social contagion effects occurring via social media (Facebook), effects of stress on cognitive processes, post-traumatic growth, and effects of exercise and nutrition on cognitive functioning. 
• Chapter 17, “Industrial and Organizational Psychology” includes substantial updates to sections on selection and assessment. The chapter features increased connection between the sections on employee affect and leadership through an interactive investigation of how money may or may not be a useful motivator for employees. 

1. Introducing Psychological Science
2. Reading and Evaluating Scientific Research
3. Biological Psychology
4. Sensation and Perception
5. Consciousness
6. Learning
7. Memory
8. Thought and Language
9. Intelligence, Aptitude, and Cognitive Abilities
10. Lifespan Development
11. Motivation and Emotion
12. Personality
13. Psychological Disorders
14. Therapies
15. Social Psychology
16. Health, Stress and Coping
17. Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Dr. Mark Krause received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Central Washington University, and his PhD at the University of Tennessee in 2000. He completed a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Texas at Austin where he studied classical conditioning of sexual behavior in birds. Following this, Krause accepted a research fellowship through the National Institute of Aging to conduct research on cognitive neuroscience at Oregon Health and Sciences University. He has conducted research and published on pointing and communication in chimpanzees, predatory behavior in snakes, the behavioral and evolutionary basis of conditioned sexual behavior, and the influence of testosterone on cognition and brain function. Krause began his teaching career as a doctoral candidate and continued to pursue this passion even during research appointments. His teaching includes courses in general psychology, learning and memory, and behavioral neuroscience. Krause is currently a professor of psychology at Southern Oregon University, where his focus is on teaching, writing, and supervising student research. His spare time is spent with his family, cycling, reading, and enjoying Oregon's outdoors.

Dr. Daniel Corts discovered psychology at Belmont University where he received his B.S. He completed a PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Tennessee in 1999 and then a post-doctoral position at Furman University for one year where he focused on the teaching of psychology. He is now professor of psychology at Augustana College in Rock Island, IL where he has taught for over 15 years. His research interests in cognition have lead to publications on language, gesture, and memory, and he has also published in the area of college student development. Corts is increasingly involved in applied work, developing programming and assessments related to k-12 educational programming and teacher preparation. Corts is enthusiastic about getting students involved in research and has supervised or coauthored over 100 conference presentations with undergraduates. Corts has served as the local Psi Chi advisor for a dozen years and has served on the Board of Directors for several years, including his current term as President. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his two children, traveling, camping, and cooking.

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