Professional Nursing Practice: Concepts and Perspectives, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (June 3, 2015) © 2016

  • Kathy Blais
  • Janice S. Hayes University of Northern Colorado


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  • A focus on foundational knowledge related to professional nursing (Unit 1) includes nursing history, nursing theory, ethics, legal aspects, etc.
  • An overview of professional nursing roles, issues, and changes in the profession prepares students for the various demands of the nursing profession. Unit II discusses nurses as health care providers, learners and teachers, leaders and managers, research consumers, advocates, colleagues, and collaborators.
  • Coverage of nursing in a changing health care delivery system (Unit IV) includes discussions of health care economics, the cultural and spiritual dimensions of client care, nursing in a culture of violence, and nursing in a changing world.
  • An emphasis on various settings and levels shows nursing from the local, national, and global levels. A variety of settings are addressed such as community and residential settings, work sites, schools, faith-based communities, homeless shelters, and prisons.
  • UPDATED: All chapters have been revised to reflect current professional nursing knowledge based on foundational knowledge.
    • NEW: A new chapter, Chapter 11, The Nurse’s Role in Quality and Safety, addresses Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).  Regulations, quality indicators, and benchmarking are discussed as they apply to professional nursing.
    • NEW: A new chapter, Chapter 19, Global Health, describes the goals of global health, demographic and epidemic shifts, communicable and non-communicable diseases around the world, health systems models in the global environment, and nursing roles, responsibilities, and opportunities in global health.
    • NEW: New content on health care reform and implementation of the Affordable Care Act as it has implication for nursing has been added to this edition.
    • NEW: New content on nursing theory and research.
    • UPDATED: Chapter summaries are now presented as a bulleted list of chapter highlights to facilitate student preparation for exams.
  • Pedagogical features enhance the teaching and learning experience.
    • NEW: All new Research Currents boxes (formerly called Evidence for Practice) relate qualitative and quantitative research studies to clinical or professional practice.
    • Critical Thinking Exercises help students apply chapter concepts to hypothetical situations.
    • Reflect On questions break up the text and ask readers to consider content in relation to their own practice or experience.
    • Bookshelf boxes provide additional readings from popular and professional literature.
    • Interviews with Practicing Nurses (Chapter 19 and 23) profile why these practitioners chose their specific areas of practice and what it means to be a nurse in specific settings.
    • Infoquest features provide activities that ask students to use the Internet to find out more information about chapter topics.
  • All chapters have been revised to reflect current professional nursing knowledge based on foundational knowledge.
    • A new chapter, Chapter 11, The Nurse’s Role in Quality and Safety, addresses Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).  Regulations, quality indicators, and benchmarking are discussed as they apply to professional nursing.
    • A new chapter, Chapter 19, Global Health, describes the goals of global health, demographic and epidemic shifts, communicable and non-communicable diseases around the world, health systems models in the global environment, and nursing roles, responsibilities, and opportunities in global health.
    • New content on health care reform and implementation of the Affordable Care Act as it has implication for nursing has been added to this edition.
    • New content on nursing theory and research.
    • Chapter summaries are now presented as a bulleted list of chapter highlights to facilitate student preparation for exams.
  • Pedagogical features enhance the teaching and learning experience.
    • All new Research Currents boxes (formerly called Evidence for Practice) relate qualitative and quantitative research studies to clinical or professional practice.

Brief Contents
About the Authors  iv
Thank You  v
Preface  vi
1. Beginning the Journey
Unit I: Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice 
2. Socialization to Professional Nursing
3. Historical Foundations of Professional Nursing 
4. Ethical Foundations of Professional Nursing
5. Legal Foundations of Professional Nursing 
6. Knowledge Development in Nursing
Unit II: Professional Nursing Roles 
7. The Nurse as Health Promoter and Care Provider 
8. The Nurse as Learner and Teacher 
9. The Nurse as Leader and Manager 
10. The Nurse’s Role in Evidence-based Health Care 
11. The Nurse’s Role in Quality and Safety¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
12. The Nurse’s Role as Political Advocate
13. The Nurse as Colleague and Collaborator 
Unit III: Processes Guiding Professional Practice
14. Communicating
15. Managing Change
16. Technology and Informatics  
Unit IV: Professional Nursing in a Changing Health Care Environment  
17. Nursing in an Evolving Health Care Delivery System  ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
18. Providing Care in the Home and Community  
19. Global Health
20. Dimensions of Holistic Health Care
21. Nursing in a Culturally Diverse World  
22. Nursing in a Spiritually Diverse World  
23. Nursing in a Culture of Violence
Unit V: Into the Future  
24. Advanced Nursing Education and Practice  
25. The Future of Nursing

Kathleen Blais received her Diploma in nursing from Temple University Hospital School of Nursing (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), her BSN and MSEd from Florida International University (Miami, Florida), MSN from the University of Miami (Miami, Florida), and Ed.D. from Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, Florida). She has taught in both undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Dr. Blais has held faculty and academic leadership positions throughout her career. She is currently a Professor Emerita of Nursing at Florida International University College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Janice Hayes received her BSN from the University of Evansville, MSN from Indiana University, and PhD from Purdue University. She has taught both in undergraduate and graduate nursing programs as well as providing research leadership with clinical institutions. Dr. Hayes has maintained a research trajectory in the areas of development risk and trauma outcomes. She is currently the Assistant Director for Graduate Programs in the School of Nursing at the University of Northern Colorado.

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