Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (February 17, 2015) © 2016

  • Jeri R. Hanly Loyola College in Maryland
  • Elliot B. Koffman Temple University



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For introductory courses in computer science and engineering.


Learning to Program with ANSI-C

Problem Solving and Program Design in C teaches introductory students to program with ANSI-C, a standardized, industrial-strength programming language known for its power and probability. The text uses widely accepted software engineering methods to teach students to design cohesive, adaptable, and reusable program solution modules with ANSI-C. Through case studies and real world examples, students are able to envision a professional career in programming.

Widely perceived as an extremely difficult language due to its association with complex machinery, the Eighth Edition approaches C as conducive to introductory courses in program development. C language topics are organized based on the needs of beginner programmers rather than structure, making for an even easier introduction to the subject. Covering various aspects of software engineering, including a heavy focus on pointer concepts, the text engages students to use their problem solving skills throughout.

Problem Solving and Program Design in C contains the following features to facilitate learning:

A novel approach to basic introductory programming concepts through the use of ANSI-C

  • Functions, logical operators, and operators with side effects are covered early in the text to set the basis for the use of C.
  • Chapter 3 introduces the topic of procedural abstractions through a selection of C’s library functions, parameterless void functions, and functions that take input parameters and return a value.
  • Chapter 12 presents C’s facilities for formalizing procedural and data abstraction in personal libraries defined by separate header and implementation files.
  • Chapter 14 introduces critical concepts of multiprocessing with C.
  • Chapter 15 describes how object-oriented design is implemented by C++.

A highly current text including the newest information and examples of C

  • UPDATED! Chapter 0 on careers in computer science as been extensively updated.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 1 examples on hardware now reflect the most recent technology. The chapter’s discussion of programming languages has also been brought up-to-date to reflect the most popular languages used today.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 6 covers a broader range of testing levels to complete the study of functions that have simple parameters.
  • REVISED! The use of pointers is now emphasized throughout the text, involving a total reorganization and renaming of chapters regarding arrays, strings, files, and dynamic data structures.
  • NEW! All chapters now contain new programming project problems. Beginning with Chapter 5, programs appropriate for team programming are identified as such.
  • Sections throughout the text discuss algorithm tracing, program debugging, and testing.

Supplementary information and pedagogical features facilitate learning an advanced language

  • NEW! “C in Focus” articles have been added to Chapter 5 (“Team Programming”), Chapter 8 (“Defensive Programming”), and Chapter 10 (“Evolving Standards”) to help clarify difficult chapter concepts. 
  • REVISED! Tables used for demonstration throughout the text, especially those tracing code execution, have been restructured for easier readability.
  • Major program style issues are highlighted on display throughout the chapter to demonstrate what students should seek to avoid.
  • Chapters 3, 5, and 7 include optional sections on graphics programming to offer this material to interested students and professors.
  • End-of-Section exercises are self-check problems that challenge students to analyze program fragments and solve short programming exercises.
  • Case studies throughout the text involve using software development methods to solve complete program examples, as well as give students insight into the most important applications of computing.
    • Chapters 6, 7, and 10 use case studies and sample programs to teach data abstraction and encapsulation of a data type and operators by example.
  • Syntax Display Boxes provide examples to describe the syntax and semantics of new C features.
  • Program Style Displays discuss major issues of good programming style.
  • Error Discussions and Chapter Review conclude each chapter by discussing common programming errors. Chapter Review also contains a table of new C constructs.
  • End-of-Chapter Projects provide students with the opportunity to test their knowledge of major chapter concepts.
  • Glossary provides quick access to important computing terms.

Problem-solving techniques are tested to reinforce major chapter concepts

  • UPDATED! Chapters 4 and 5 include function examples, including the use of a function as a parameter.
  • NEW! Appendix C now contains exercises on bitwise operations.

A highly current text including the newest information and examples of C

  • UPDATED! Chapter 0 on careers in computer science as been extensively updated.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 1 examples on hardware now reflect the most recent technology. The chapter’s discussion of programming languages has also been brought up-to-date to reflect the most popular languages used today.
  • UPDATED! Chapter 6 covers a broader range of testing levels to complete the study of functions that have simple parameters.
  • REVISED! The use of pointers is now emphasized throughout the text, involving a total reorganization and renaming of chapters regarding arrays, strings, files, and dynamic data structures.
  • All chapters now contain new programming project problems. Beginning with Chapter 5, programs appropriate for team programming are identified as such.

Supplementary information and pedagogical features facilitate learning an advanced language

  • “C in Focus” articles have been added to Chapter 5 (“Team Programming”), Chapter 8 (“Defensive Programming”), and Chapter 10 (“Evolving Standards”) to help clarify difficult chapter concepts.  
  • REVISED! Tables used for demonstration throughout the text, especially those tracing code execution, have been restructured for easier readability.

Problem-solving techniques are tested to reinforce major chapter concepts

  • UPDATED! Chapters 4 and 5 include function examples, including the use of a function as a parameter.
  • Appendix C now contains exercises on bitwise operations.

0. Computer Science as a Career Path 1

1. Overview of Computers and Programming 13

2. Overview of C 45

3. Top-Down Design with Functions 107

4. Selection Structures: if and switch Statements 173

5. Repetition and Loop Statements 235

6. Pointers and Modular Programming 315

7. Array Pointers 375

8. Strings 453

9. Recursion 517

10. Structure and Union Types 567

11. Text and Binary File Pointers 623

12. Programming in the Large 659

13. Pointers and Dynamic Data Structures 699

14. Multiprocessing Using Processes and Threads (Online at

15. On to C++ (Online at )



A More about Pointers A-1

B ANSI C Standard Libraries B-1

C C Operators C-1

D Character Sets D-1

E ANSI C Reserved Words E-1

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