Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (November 30, 2023) © 2024

  • Cameron K. Andres
  • Ronald C. Smith
  • W Ronald Woods University of North Florida


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For courses in commercial construction.

A practical approach to modern construction

Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction is a complete overview of traditional building practices. Moving from basic to advanced concepts, it guides students in applying design theory to the construction process. This text is on the approved reference list of many states requiring contractors to pass licensing exams. Its flexible organization gives you the option of teaching chapters independently, in a range of construction, architectural and engineering courses.

The 11th Edition expands on practical applications in structural design projects. Hundreds of chapter-ending review questions help students prepare for licensing exams.

Hallmark features of this title

Traditional building concepts and practices

  • Rationales for choosing methods, equipment, materials and structural details in diverse building scenarios help students master principles of structural design.
  • Each phase of the construction process is contextualized through tasks, from site evaluation and layout, to interior design and building finishes.
  • Requirements, strengths and limitations of basic structural framing materials are discussed.

Career and exam prep

  • Today's industry standards, established by ASTM and ACI, ground students in modern practices.
  • Review material aligned with ACI's exam prepares students for the ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Grade 1 Certification Program exam.
  • Hundreds of chapter-ending review questions reinforce concepts.

New and updated features of this title

Added practical applications for construction projects

  • EXPANDED: Multiple chapters now incorporate newly accepted practices or building code influences. There is continued emphasis on sustainable building, also known as “green building.”
  • EXPANDED: Additional information has been added on contract and review information (Ch. 1), test methods (Ch. 2), pavers (Ch. 3), and post-tensioned concrete and prestressed tank information (Ch. 8).

Extensive chapter revisions

  • REVISED: Chapter 14 has been retitled and thoroughly edited to reflect new information on thermal, sound and moisture control needs for buildings.
  • REVISED: Chapter 16 was extensively revised to encompass the protective function of the exterior of a building as its protective envelope.

Engaging pedagogy

  • EXPANDED: Color photos and color art enhancements have been added to all appropriate chapters.
  • UPDATED: Illustrations throughout the text have been updated to reflect current construction practices and changes in construction equipment.
  1. The Practice of Commercial Construction
  2. Site Evaluation and Layout
  3. Site Development and Services
  4. Material Movement, Excavations, and Equipment
  5. Foundations
  6. Formwork
  7. Concrete Work
  8. Reinforced Concrete Frame
  9. Masonry Construction
  10. Structural Timber Frame
  11. Structural Steel Frame
  12. Floor Systems
  13. Curtain Wall Construction
  14. Building Insulation
  15. Roof Framing and Coverings
  16. Finishing


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