Positive Behavioral Supports for the Classroom, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (October 14, 2021) © 2022

  • Brenda K. Scheuermann Texas State University
  • Glenna Billingsley Texas State University, San Marcos
  • Judy A. Hall

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ISBN-13: 9780135948859 (2021 update)

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Positive Behavioral Supports for the Classroom covers foundational principles and practices from applied behavior analysis. It includes the latest research and practices from the field of positive behavior interventions and supports. The text emphasizes a multi-tiered support system for developing positive behaviors in children and youth. A wide variety of concepts and techniques are examined. The authors' relaxed, user-friendly writing style makes the book appropriate for everyone.

The 4th Edition features updated research and recent developments in the field. It places extra focus on preventing challenging behaviors. You'll learn how to manage challenging behaviors effectively school-wide, in classrooms and for individual students.

I: Foundations of Behavior Management and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

  • 1. Introduction to Behavior Management and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • 2. Theoretical Models to Explain Challenging Behavior

II: Creating a Proactive Learning Environment Through Universal-Level Interventions and Supports

  • 3. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
  • 4. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Expectations and Procedures
  • 5. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Effective Use of Scheduling, Climate, and Classroom Planning and Organization
  • 6. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through High-Quality Instruction

III: Assessment and Monitoring

  • 7. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Behavioral Monitoring
  • 8. Determining the Reasons for Challenging Behavior Through Functional Assessment

IV: Targeted and Tertiary-Level Interventions and Supports

  • 9. Providing Support Through Social Skills Instruction
  • 10. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Reinforcement: Introduction to Reinforcement
  • 11. Preventing Challenging Behavior Through Specific Reinforcement Applications
  • 12. Managing Challenging Behaviors by Using Behavior Reductive Interventions



Name Index

Subject Index

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