Plumbing, Level 3, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (September 11, 2014) © 2014


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Applied Math, Sizing Water Supply Piping, Potable Water Treatment, Backflow Preventers, Types of Venting, Sizing DWV and Storm Systems, Sewage Pumps and Sump Pumps, Corrosive-Resistant Waste Piping, and Compressed Air.

Curriculum Notes
• 160 Hours
• To Be Revised: Spring 2014, Fourth Edition
• Trainee Guide and trainee modules are in full color.
• Instructor’s Resource Access Card includes access code
• to download detailed lesson plans, module exams,
• PowerPoint® slides, performance profile sheets and
• TestGen software.

Applied Math (17.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378271-4

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378283-7

(Module ID 02301-14) Reviews math concepts, including weights and measures, area and volume, temperature, pressure, and force. Also describes the six simple machines: inclined planes, levers, pulleys, wedges, screws, and wheels and axles.


Sizing and Protecting the Water Supply System (30 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378272-1

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378280-6

(Module ID 02312-14) Teaches techniques for sizing water  supply systems, including calculating system requirements and demand, developed lengths, and pressure drops. Reviews the factors that can reduce efficiency of water supply piping. Introduces different backflow prevention devices and explains how they work, where they are used, and how they are installed in water supply systems.


Potable Water Supply Treatment (15 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378273-8

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378281-3

(Module ID 02303-14) Explains how to disinfect, filter, and soften water supply systems. Discusses how to troubleshoot water supply problems, flush out visible contaminants from a plumbing system, and disinfect a potable water plumbing system.


Types of Venting (20 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378275-2

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378285-1

(Module ID 02305-14) Reviews the different types of vents that can be installed in a DWV system and explains how they work. Also teaches design and installation techniques.


Sizing DWV and Storm Systems (20 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378433-9

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378430-5

(Module ID 02306-14) Explains how to calculate drainage fixture units for waste systems. Reviews how to size drain,

waste, and vent (DWV) systems; storm drainage systems; and roof storage and drainage systems.


Sewage Pumps and Sump Pumps (12.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378276-9

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378286-8

(Module ID 02307-14) Discusses the installation, diagnosis, and repair of pumps, controls, and sumps in sewage and storm water removal systems.


Corrosive-Resistant Waste Piping (7.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378277-6

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378287-5

(Module ID 02308-14) Discusses corrosive wastes and reviews related safety issues and hazard communications. Discusses how to determine when corrosive-resistant waste piping needs to be installed, as well as how to correctly select and properly connect different types of piping.


Compressed Air (10 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378278-3

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378288-2

(Module ID 02309-14) Explains the principles of compressed air systems and describes their components and accessories. Reviews installation and periodic servicing of air compressor systems.


Service Plumbing (27.5 Hours)

Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378279-0

Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378289-9

(Module ID 02311-14) Covers the troubleshooting and repair of fixtures, valves, and faucets in accordance with code

and safety guidelines. Explains how to diagnose and repair water supply and drainage piping, water heaters, and  other appliances and fixtures. Describes the effects of corrosion, freezing, and hard water on plumbing systems.

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