Plumbing, Level 2, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 23, 2013) © 2014


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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Plumbing Math Two, Reading Commerical Drawings, Structural Penetrations, Insulation, and Fire Stopping, Installing and Testing DWV Piping, Installing Roof, Floor, and Area Drains, Installing and Testing Water Supply Piping, Types of Valves, Installing Fixtures and Valves, Installing Water Heaters, Basic Electricity, and Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems.

(Total Level Hours: 165)


Plumbing Math Two

(15 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340275-9

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340287-2

(Module ID 02201-13) Explains the Pythagorean theorem and reviews methods for laying out square corners. Discusses the techniques used to calculate simple and rolling offsets, as well as offsets on parallel runs of pipe.


Reading Commercial Drawings

(25 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340276-6

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340288-9

(Module ID 02202-13) Explains how to identify and interpret civil, architectural, structural, HVAC/mechanical, plumbing, and electrical drawings. Discusses how to ensure accurate dimensions, generate RFIs, and locate plumbing entry points, as well as how to establish piping routes and fixture locations. Isometric drawings, material takeoffs, approved submittal data, and Building Information Management (BIM).


Structural Penetrations, Insulation, and Fire Stopping

(15 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340277-3

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340289-6

(Module ID 02203-13) Introduces methods for adjusting structural members, insulating pipe, and installing firestopping. Covers reinforcement techniques for modified structural members; how to measure, cut, and install fiberglass and flexible foam insulation; and how to identify walls, floors, and ceilings that require fire-stopping.


Installing and Testing DWV Piping

(30 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340278-0

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340291-9

(Module ID 02204-13) Explains how to locate, install, connect, and test a complete drain, waste, and vent (DWV) system. Discusses how to develop material takeoffs, set up and use levels, locate building sewers and building drains, locate fixtures, and test a DWV system.


Installing Roof, Floor, and Area Drains

(5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340279-7

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340292-6

(Module ID 02205-13) Covers the proper techniques for locating, installing, and connecting roof, floor, and area drains and floor sinks according to code. Also discusses waterproof membranes and flashing, drain components, shower pans, trap primers, and proper drain applications.


Installing and Testing Water Supply Piping

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340280-3

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340293-3

(Module ID 02206-13) Explores the proper techniques for locating, installing, and testing complete water service and distribution systems, including meters, water heaters, water softeners, and hose bibbs. Introduces trainees to basic backflow prevention and water hammer prevention, and discusses the installation of shower and tub valves, ice maker and washing machine boxes, and pipe stubouts and supports.


Types of Valves

(5 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340281-0

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340294-0

(Module ID 02207-13) Reviews types of valves, their components, and applications. Also covers valve servicing.


Installing Fixtures and Valves

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340283-4

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340295-7

(Module ID 02208-13) Covers the installation of basic plumbing fixtures, including bathtubs, shower stalls, lavatories, sinks, water closets, and urinals. Reviews the installation of associated valves, faucets, and components. Also discusses how to connect appliances such as dishwashers, food-waste disposers, refrigerators and ice makers, and washing machines.


Installing Water Heaters

(10 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340284-1

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340296-4

(Module ID 02209-13) Discusses gas-fired, electric, tankless, heat pump, and indirect water heaters, components, and applications. Reviews proper installation and testing techniques and covers the latest code requirements for water heaters.


Basic Electricity

(10 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340285-8

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340297-1

(Module ID 02210-13) Introduces electrical safety and the principles of electricity including voltage, current, resistance, and power. Includes important electrical formulas, circuitry, and common plumbing-related electrical applications.


Fuel Gas and Fuel Oil Systems

(20 Hours)

Trainee ISBN 978-0-13-340286-5

Instructor ISBN 978-0-13-340298-8

(Module ID 02211-13) Introduces techniques for safe handling of natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, and fuel oil. Reviews fuel gas and fuel oil safety precautions and potential hazards, applications, systems installation, and testing.

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