Perspectives on Personality, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (June 23, 2021) © 2017

  • Charles S. Carver University of Miami
  • Michael F. Scheier Carnegie Mellon University

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ISBN-13: 9780137524938 (2021 update)

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  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages

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For courses in Personality Psychology

An overview of personality psychology that brings various perspectives to life

Perspectives on Personality describes a range of viewpoints that are used by personality psychologists today, and helps students understand how these viewpoints can be applied to their own lives. Authors Charles Carver and Michael Scheier dedicate a chapter to each major perspective, presenting an overview of the perspective’s orienting assumptions and core themes and concluding with a discussion of problems within that theoretical viewpoint and predictions about its future prospects. The Eighth Edition incorporates several important recent developments in the field, including genetics and genomics and the biological underpinnings of impulsiveness.

NOTE: This ISBN is for a Pearson Books a la Carte edition: a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf text. In addition to the flexibility offered by this format, Books a la Carte editions offer students great value, as they cost significantly less than a bound textbook.

1. What Is Personality Psychology?
2. Methods in the Study of Personality
3. Issues in Personality Assessment
4. The Trait Perspective
5. The Motive Perspective
6. Genetics, Evolution, and Personality
7. Biological Processes and Personality
8. The Psychoanalytic Perspective
9. Psychosocial Theories
10. The Learning Perspective
11. Self-Actualization and Self-Determination
12. The Cognitive Perspective
13. The Self-Regulation Perspective
14. Personality in Perspective: Overlap and Integration

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