Pathway to Introductory Statistics, A, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (January 2, 2020) © 2021

  • Jay Lehmann College of San Mateo


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For courses in PreStatistics.

A new path to Statistics

Prepare non-STEM students for introductory statistics with a 1-semester course alternative to the traditional 2-semester developmental algebra sequence. For students whose major requires statistics, A Pathway to Introductory Statistics, 2nd Edition helps them begin reasoning statistically, get familiar with statistical vocabulary, and start working with data while learning prerequisites. Packed with authentic data sets to make the math meaningful, this program provides both an introduction to descriptive statistics and the requisite algebra topics for a statistics course, while demonstrating the close link between the two subjects.

Hallmark features of this title

  • Flexible content for alternate paths:
    • As a replacement to introductory and intermediate algebra, covering developmental topics in a statistical perspective and accelerating them to a college-level course
    • As a replacement to intermediate algebra, building on students' understanding of beginning algebra topics.
  • Coverage of arithmetic and algebra is presented through a statistical lens to bridge the gap to statistics. 
  • Downloadable data sets: Any set with more than 12 values is noted with a “data” icon and can be downloaded to support use of technology like StatCrunch or Excel to analyze the data and synthesize concepts. 
  • Big Data sets throughout contain hundreds of rows of data to give students a hands-on opportunity to work with large, realistic data.

New and updated features of this title

  • Hundreds ofreplaced data sets in examples and exercises now offer compelling and contemporary topics such as immigration, trust in the mass media, and health care plans that cover transgender-related services.
  • Hundreds of augmented data sets now include observations for recent years to be as current and relevant as possible.
  • Select exercises now retain theirauthentic data sets, even when regenerating algorithmically, so students won't sacrifice working with real-world data when doing homework exercises with different values.
  • Revised Group Explorations in every section of the text are more open-ended, allowing for greater productive struggle and creative problem solving as they support student investigations of a topic.
    • Section Opener Explorations are directed-discovery activities. Explorations can be used as collaborative activities during class or for homework.

Features of MyLab Math for the 2nd Edition

  • Expanded coverage of exercises from the text, offering instructors more options when creating assignments. Many of the exercises entail data which has been augmented or updated to be as current as possible.
  • New chapters on logarithms and systems of linear equations are now available in MyLab Math to support departments that want to prepare students for liberal arts courses as well as statistics, providing greater flexibility for those implementing non-STEM pathways.
  • Select exercises in MyLab Math now retain their authentic data sets, even when regenerating algorithmically, so that students don't sacrifice working with real data when doing homework exercises with different values.
  • Data sets in exercises and explorations that involve approximately 12 or more data values are available for download in MyLab Math or the Math & Statistics Resources page. Noted with a “data” icon, these exercises are ideal for using technology, like StatCrunch or Excel, to analyze the data and synthesize concepts. 
  • Personal  Inventory  Assessments  are a collection of online exercises designed to promote self-reflection and engagement in students. These 33 assessments include topics such as a Stress Management Assessment, Diagnosing Poor Performance and Enhancing Motivation, and Time Management Assessment. 
  1. Performing Operations and Evaluating Expressions
    • 1.1 Variables, Constants, Plotting Points, and Inequalities
    • 1.2 Expressions
    • 1.3 Operations with Fractions and Proportions; Converting Units
    • 1.4 Absolute Value and Adding Real Numbers
    • 1.5 Change in a Quantity and Subtracting Real Numbers
    • 1.6 Ratios, Percents, and Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
    • 1.7 Exponents, Square Roots, Order of Operations, and Scientific Notation
    • Hands-On Projects: Stocks Project 
  2. Designing Observational Studies and Experiments
    • 2.1 Simple Random Sampling
    • 2.2 Systematic, Stratified, and Cluster Sampling
    • 2.3 Observational Studies and Experiments
    • Hands-On Projects: Survey about Proportions Project; Online Report Project
  3. Constructing Graphical and Tabular Displays of Data
    • 3.1 Frequency Tables, Relative Frequency Tables, and Bar Graphs
    • 3.2 Pie Charts and Two-Way Tables
    • 3.3 Dotplots, Stemplots, and Time-Series Plots
    • 3.4 Histograms
    • 3.5 Misleading Graphical Displays of Data
    • Hands-On Projects: Critical-Thinking Project
  4. Summarizing Data Numerically
    • 4.1 Measures of Center
    • 4.2 Measures of Spread
    • 4.3 Boxplots
    • Hands-On Projects: Comparison Shopping of Cars Project 
  5. Computing Probabilities
    • 5.1 Meaning of Probability
    • 5.2 Complement and Addition Rules
    • 5.3 Conditional Probability and the Multiplication Rule for Independent Events
    • 5.4 Discrete Random Variables
    • 5.5 Finding Probabilities for a Normal Distribution
    • 5.6 Finding Values of Variables for Normal Distributions
    • Hands-On Projects: Heights of Adults Project
  6. Constructing Scatterplots and Drawing Linear Models
    • 6.1 Scatterplots
    • 6.2 Determining the Four Characteristics of an Association
    • 6.3 Modeling Linear Associations
    • Hands-On Projects: Climate Change Project
    • Linear Sketch Project: Topic of Your Choice
  7. Graphing Equations of Lines and Linear Models; Rate of Change
    • 7.1 Graphing Equations of Lines and Linear Models
    • 7.2 Rate of Change and Slope of a Line
    • 7.3 Using Slope to Graph Equations of Lines and Linear Models
    • 7.4 Functions
    • Hands-On Projects: Climate Change Project; Workout Project
  8. Solving Linear Equations and Inequalities to Make Predictions
    • 8.1 Simplifying Expressions
    • 8.2 Solving Linear Equations in One Variable
    • 8.3 Solving Linear Equations to Make Predictions
    • 8.4 Solving Formulas and Evaluating Summation Notation
    • 8.5 Solving Linear Inequalities to Make Predictions
  9. Finding Equations of Linear Models
    • 9.1 Using Two Points to Find an Equation of a Line
    • 9.2 Using Two Points to Find an Equation of a Linear Model
    • 9.3 Linear Regression Model
    • Hands-On Projects: Climate Change Project; Golf Ball Project;
    • Linear Project: Topic of Your Choice
  10. Using Exponential Models to Make Predictions
    • 10.1 Integer Exponents
    • 10.2 Rational Exponents
    • 10.3 Graphing Exponential Models
    • 10.4 Using Two Points to Find an Equation of an Exponential Model
    • 10.5 Exponential Regression Model
    • Hands-On Projects: Cooling Water Project
    • Exponential Project: Topic of Your Choice
  11. Logarithmic Functions (Online Only)
    • 11.1 Composite Functions
    • 11.2 Inverse Functions
    • 11.3 Logarithmic Functions
    • 11.4 Properties of Logarithms
    • 11.5 Using the Power Property with Exponential Models to Make Predictions
    • 11.6 More Properties of Logarithms
    • 11.7 Natural Logarithms
    • Taking It to the Lab: China and India Populations Lab
    • Folding Paper Lab
    • Exponential/Logarithmic Lab: Topic of Your Choice
  12. Systems of Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Inequalities (Online Only)
    • 12.1 Using Graphs and Tables to Solve Systems
    • 12.2 Using Substitution to Solve Systems
    • 12.3 Using Elimination to Solve Systems
    • 12.4 Using Systems to Model Data
    • 12.5 Perimeter, Value, Interest, and Mixture Problems
    • 12.6 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables: Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables: Systems of Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
    • Taking It to the Lab: Climate Change Lab (continued from Chapter 8)
    • Sports Lab
    • Truck Lab
    • Chapter Summary
    • Key Points of Chapter 12


  • A: Using A TI-84 Graphing Calculator 
  • B: Using StatCrunch
  • C: Standard Normal Distribution Table

About our author

Jay Lehmann has taught for the past 30 years at College of San Mateo, where he received the “shiny apple award” for excellence in teaching. He has presented at over 100 conferences including AMATYC and ICTCM over the past 21 years. Jay is currently the newsletter editor for California Mathematics Council, Community Colleges (CMC3); he was presented with the CMC3 President's Award for his 18 years of service on the CMC3 board. Still young at heart, he plays bass guitar, jamming with his son, who plays wicked drums.  Jay has authored several algebra textbooks published by Pearson in addition to this PreStatistics textbook.

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