Outdoor Emergency Care, 5th edition
Published by Pearson (May 6, 2011) © 2012
- Edward C. McNamara
- David Johe
- Deborah A. Endly
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For courses in Outdoor Emergency Care.
Developed in partnership with the National Ski Patrol, Outdoor Emergency Care, Fifth Edition, offers relevant, invaluable content for all emergency first responders working in an outdoor environment. The contributing authors and reviewers are highly respected experts in education in the outdoor emergency care community. The vast experience of these individuals, combined with over 90 years of EMS work and ski patrolling from the editors alone, has been incorporated into every chapter of this text, providing you with a learning resource that is rich in practical knowledge. This book should be used not only as an initial text but maintained on your bookshelf as a valuable reference manual.
Pedagogical features designed to provide you with the best possible learning resource—to practice what you’ve learned.
- Each chapter includes a Case Study; Stop, Think, and Understand self quizzes; Chapter Review exercises; and a Scenario.
- You will also find a running historical timeline documenting the NSP’s rich history, giving insight on how and why the organization was founded and continues to serve.
- Each chapter starts with a case study called Case Presentation. The Case Update provides readers with more information about the patient, the progression of the chief complaint, assessment, and management. At the end of each segment, readers are asked what they would do next to begin the critical thinking process. The Case Disposition provides a conclusion at the end of the chapter.
- Key terms are listed in the front of each chapter. Each is also placed with its definition in the margin at the point where the term is first used.
- Objectives describe and delineate learning outcomes desired for each chapter and highlight testable knowledge for which learners are responsible. They are repeated in the margin where information related to the objective is introduced and discussed.
- A completely new, dynamic, visually appealing photo program captures the spirit and skill of providing outdoor emergency care.
- Found at key points in the chapter, Stop, Think, and Understand (STU) exercises contain a variety of questions and activities designed to help readers evaluate their comprehension of material just covered in that portion of the chapter.
- Stop, Think and Apply (STAs) activities and questions found at the end of each section of the book offer critical-thinking as well as scenario-based questions that require the reader to consider in-depth all aspects of an emergency situation in formulating a plan.
- OEC Skills, at the end of chapters where skills are introduced, provide a visual reference to procedures such as applying a traction splint or backboard. Some Skills have accompanying Skill Guides that identify critical performance indicators (CPIs)—specific steps required for the reader to perform that skill.
- Each chapter ends with a Chapter Summary, Remember..., and Key Points that offer useful reinforcement of chapter content.
- Chapter Review material includes a short scenario related to chapter content. Questions are posed for readers to assess their comprehension of chapter material.
- Suggested Readings recommended by the chapter author provide additional information from subject-matter experts.
The fifth edition contains all new material–with each chapter written and completed using the latest available evidence-based medical information.
- Stop, Review, and Understand features incorporate workbook-like exercises throughout each chapter to check the reader’s comprehension. They also offer a write-in chapter review assessment.
- The first chapter includes the history of the National Ski Patrol and Outdoor Emergency Care, and includes an important discussion of some of the legal aspects faced when caring for a patient.
- Chapters on both communication and documentation are included to help readers become familiar with current EMS language in order to communicate among each other and with other EMS providers using the same vernacular.
- Patient assessment is now presented in the same way patients are assessed in the overall healthcare system. In addition, the A&P section has been expanded; the format for case management has been modified for ease of use by the reader; and skill guides have been included in each chapter to enable the reader to readily assess his or her ability in the field.
- New information that is current with present pre-hospital patient care includes a new assessment module, pulse oximeters, an expanded role in assisting patients with medication, use of Mark 1 kits, enhanced role of tourniquets, new ways to bandage and apply splints, and more in-depth discussion of anatomy.
- The material in the fifth edition meets–and in many cases exceeds–the National EMS Education Standards for Emergency Medical Responder education.
- Uniquely, this material is presented in a format that combines the disciplines of urban EMS with wilderness medical rescue.
- Chapter 36, authored by a physician who has written extensively for the wilderness medicine field, helps the OEC Technician understand what advanced EMS providers do.
- When asked to assist these providers, the OEC Technician can provide this assistance.
- Beyond the textbook, students have access to MyNSPKit, an online resource that includes additional exercises to reinforce content and skills.
- Instructors have access to a PowerPoint presentation, test bank, an Instructor's Manual, and other resources necessary to teach the course.
Section 1 — Preparing to Be an OEC Technician |
Chapter 1 Introduction to Outdoor Emergency Care |
Chapter 2 Introduction to Emergency Care Systems |
Chapter 3 Rescue Basics |
Chapter 4 Incident Command and Triage |
Chapter 5 Lifts, Loads and Transportation |
Section 2 — The Basics of Patient Care |
Chapter 6 Human Anatomy and Physiology |
Chapter 7 Patient Assessment |
Chapter 8 Medical Communications |
Section 3 — Critical Interventions |
Chapter 9 Airway Management |
Chapter 10 Shock Management |
Section 4 — Medical Emergencies |
Chapter 11 Altered Mental Status |
Chapter 12 Substance Abuse and Poisoning |
Chapter 13 Respiratory Emergencies |
Chapter 14 Allergies and Anaphylaxis |
Chapter 15 Cardiovascular Emergencies |
Chapter 16 Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary Emergencies |
Section 5 — Trauma |
Chapter 17 Principles of Trauma |
Chapter 18 Soft Tissue Injuries |
Chapter 19 Burns |
Chapter 20 Musculoskeletal Injuries |
Chapter 21 Head and Spine Injuries |
Chapter 22 Face, Eye and Throat Emergencies |
Chapter 23 Thoracic Trauma |
Chapter 24 Abdomen & Pelvic Trauma |
Section 6 — Environmental Conditions |
Chapter 25 Cold Emergencies |
Chapter 26 Heat Emergencies |
Chapter 27 Plants and Animals |
Chapter 28 Altitude Emergencies |
Chapter 29 Water Emergencies |
Section 7 — Special Populations and Situations |
Chapter 30 Pediatrics |
Chapter 31 Geriatrics |
Chapter 32 Outdoor Adaptive Athletes |
Chapter 33 Behavioral Emergencies |
Chapter 34 OB/GYN Emergencies |
Section 8 — Beyond OEC |
Chapter 35 Special Operations |
Chapter 36 ALS Interface |
App 1 Survival Rule of the Three’s |
App 2 OEC Personal Skills Inventory |
App 3 Emergency Care Equipment |
App 4 Glossary |
App 5 Answer Key |
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