Oracle SQL By Example, 4th edition
Published by Prentice Hall PTR (August 12, 2009) © 2010
- Alice Rischert
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" Inexperienced readers will find more complete and helpful introductions to relational database theory and SQL*Plus "
Experienced readers will find more tips, tricks, and techniques - from optimizing multi-table joins to using third-party query tools " U
Upgraders to Oracle 11g will find thorough coverage of key enhancements in areas such as data warehousing Rischert has reorganized this book to deliver more knowledge sooner - and she's also reorganized her companion Web site, providing quicker access to solutions and sample data. The result: a book that teaches Oracle SQL even more rapidly and effectively
The author's web site isÂ and has all of the instructor materials available there.
--This edition will be completely updated to include the latest Oracle 11g features. --The book will have expanded coverage on relational database theory.
--The chapter on SQL*Plus will contain additional explanations to help inexperienced readers get comfortable with the tool more quickly. --There will be additional discussions on alternate tools to execute SQL queries.
--The data warehousing chapter will have more examples on the newly introduced features. --Joins will have additional coverage with more tips and tricks, particularly with regard to multi-table joins and their optimization techniques.
--The overall layout of the book will be altered. The labs will be de-emphasized because many of the relevant teaching points were revealed only after the exercise has been completed. This will be reorganized to provide more upfront knowledge. The many exercises that follow will continue to reinforce the learned material. --The Website will be reorganized to facilitate the downloading of the end-of-chapter solutions and the sample data. Readers had previously complained about not finding information.
--The author's web site isÂ and has all of the instructor materials available there.
Foreword    xxxi
Preface    xxxiv
Chapter 1: SQL and Data    1
Chapter 2: SQL: The Basics    49
Chapter 3: The WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses    101
Chapter 4: Character, Number, and Miscellaneous Functions    133
Chapter 5: Date and Conversion Functions    189
Chapter 6: Aggregate Functions, GROUP BY, and HAVING Clauses    263
Chapter 7: Equijoins    285
Chapter 8: Subqueries    323
Chapter 9: Set Operators    377
Chapter 10: Complex Joins    399
Chapter 11: Insert, Update, and Delete    429
Chapter 12: Create, Alter, and Drop Tables    503
Chapter 13: Indexes, Sequences, and Views    571
Chapter 14: The Data Dictionary, Scripting, and Reporting    615
Chapter 15: Security    661
Chapter 16: Regular Expressions and Hierarchical Queries    695
Chapter 17: Exploring Data Warehousing Features    741
Chapter 18: SQL Optimization    803
Appendix A: Answers to Quiz Questions    839
Appendix B: SQL Formatting Guide    855
Appendix C: SQL*Plus Command Reference    859
Appendix D: STUDENT Database Schema    873
Appendix E: Table and Column Descriptions    875
Appendix F: Additional Example Tables    881
Appendix G: Navigating the Oracle Documentation    887
Appendix H: Resources    893
Appendix I: Oracle Data Types    897
Index    899
Alice Rischert, formerly chair of Columbia University’s Database Application Development and Design program, has taught classes in Oracle SQL, PL/SQL, and database design to hundreds of students. Ms. Rischert’s wide-ranging technology experience encompasses systems integration, database architecture, and project management for a number of companies in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Ms. Rischert has presented on SQL and PL/SQL topics at Oracle conferences and has worked with Oracle since version 5.
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