Oracle SQL By Example, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (August 12, 2009) © 2010

  • Alice Rischert
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No other SQL book offers the volume of examples and exercises that the author provides in this book. Further, the author offers a Web site that allows readers to download end-of-chapter solutions and sample data. The book’s approach lends itself to both self-study and in-classroom use. The lab-style exercises are accompanied by detailed explanation.

Foreword     xxxi

Preface     xxxiv

Chapter 1: SQL and Data     1

Chapter 2: SQL: The Basics     49

Chapter 3: The WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses     101

Chapter 4: Character, Number, and Miscellaneous Functions     133

Chapter 5: Date and Conversion Functions     189

Chapter 6: Aggregate Functions, GROUP BY, and HAVING Clauses     263

Chapter 7: Equijoins     285

Chapter 8: Subqueries     323

Chapter 9: Set Operators     377

Chapter 10: Complex Joins     399

Chapter 11: Insert, Update, and Delete     429

Chapter 12: Create, Alter, and Drop Tables     503

Chapter 13: Indexes, Sequences, and Views     571

Chapter 14: The Data Dictionary, Scripting, and Reporting     615

Chapter 15: Security     661

Chapter 16: Regular Expressions and Hierarchical Queries     695

Chapter 17: Exploring Data Warehousing Features     741

Chapter 18: SQL Optimization     803

Appendix A: Answers to Quiz Questions     839

Appendix B: SQL Formatting Guide     855

Appendix C: SQL*Plus Command Reference     859

Appendix D: STUDENT Database Schema     873

Appendix E: Table and Column Descriptions     875

Appendix F: Additional Example Tables     881

Appendix G: Navigating the Oracle Documentation     887

Appendix H: Resources     893

Appendix I: Oracle Data Types     897

Index     899


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