Oracle SQL By Example, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (August 12, 2009) © 2010

  • Alice Rischert

VitalSource eTextbook

ISBN-13: 9780137046942
Oracle SQL by Example
Published 2009
  • Available for purchase from all major ebook resellers, including
No other SQL book offers the volume of examples and exercises that the author provides in this book. Further, the author offers a Web site that allows readers to download end-of-chapter solutions and sample data. The book’s approach lends itself to both self-study and in-classroom use. The lab-style exercises are accompanied by detailed explanation.

Foreword     xxxi

Preface     xxxiv

Chapter 1: SQL and Data     1

Chapter 2: SQL: The Basics     49

Chapter 3: The WHERE and ORDER BY Clauses     101

Chapter 4: Character, Number, and Miscellaneous Functions     133

Chapter 5: Date and Conversion Functions     189

Chapter 6: Aggregate Functions, GROUP BY, and HAVING Clauses     263

Chapter 7: Equijoins     285

Chapter 8: Subqueries     323

Chapter 9: Set Operators     377

Chapter 10: Complex Joins     399

Chapter 11: Insert, Update, and Delete     429

Chapter 12: Create, Alter, and Drop Tables     503

Chapter 13: Indexes, Sequences, and Views     571

Chapter 14: The Data Dictionary, Scripting, and Reporting     615

Chapter 15: Security     661

Chapter 16: Regular Expressions and Hierarchical Queries     695

Chapter 17: Exploring Data Warehousing Features     741

Chapter 18: SQL Optimization     803

Appendix A: Answers to Quiz Questions     839

Appendix B: SQL Formatting Guide     855

Appendix C: SQL*Plus Command Reference     859

Appendix D: STUDENT Database Schema     873

Appendix E: Table and Column Descriptions     875

Appendix F: Additional Example Tables     881

Appendix G: Navigating the Oracle Documentation     887

Appendix H: Resources     893

Appendix I: Oracle Data Types     897

Index     899

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