Mythical Man-Month, The: Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition, 2nd edition
Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (August 2, 1995) © 1995
- Frederick P. Brooks University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Available for purchase from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
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Since the first publication of The Mythical Man-Month in 1975, no software engineer's bookshelf has been complete without it. Many software engineers and computer scientists have claimed to be "on their second or third copy" of the book. Now, Addison-Wesley is proud to present the 20th anniversary edition-and first revised edition ever-of Fred Brooks's now legendary collection of essays on the management of computer programming projects. The 20th Anniversary edition is an updated, enhanced re-release of the Brooks classic. Included are all of the existing essays that were originally presented, with the addition of three new essays assessing the current status of software project management. Brooks's well-known 1986 article, No Silver Bullet, is also included. This 20th Anniversary edition is a major event in computer publishing.
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