Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society, 11th edition

Published by Pearson (July 15, 2020) © 2021

  • Donna M. Gollnick Retired, TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
  • Philip C. Chinn California State University, Los Angeles, Professor Emeritus

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ISBN-13: 9780136874737 (2020 update)

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Multicultural Education in a Pluralistic Society provides an up-to-date, unbiased look at today's many different cultural groups and the importance of building on students' cultures and experiences to help them achieve optimal learning. It explores the most current issues related to race, diversity and equity in society and shows you how those issues are reflected in schools and how they impact students. You'll get a sound foundation for how to use foundational knowledge effectively in classrooms. The authors approach multicultural education using a broad perspective, emphasizing culture as the basis for understanding multicultural education.

The 11th Edition continues to encourage you to routinely use self-reflection to become a more effective teacher that provides equity for all students. All chapters have been updated with new issues in the chapter features, recent events and research that have impacted the topics addressed in the book. It also updates all tables, figures and references to reflect the latest data and thinking.

  1. Foundations of Multicultural Education
  2. Race and Ethnicity
  3. Class and Socioeconomic Status
  4. Gender
  5. Sexual Orientation
  6. Exceptionality
  7. Language
  8. Religion
  9. Geography
  10. The Youth Culture
  11. Education That Is Multicultural

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