Microeconomics Interactive, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 20, 2021) © 2022

  • Michael Parkin Emeritus of University of Western Ontario
  • Robin Bade University of Western Ontario
  • Jeff Sarbaum


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  • Anytime, anywhere learning with the Pearson+ app
  • Easy-to-use search, navigation and notebook
  • Simpler studying with flashcards



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  1. Getting Started
  2. The Economic Problem
  3. Demand and Supply
  4. Elasticity
  5. Efficiency and Fairness of Markets
  6. Government Actions in Markets: Price and Quantity Controls
  7. Taxes
  8. Trading with the World
  9. Market Failure: Externalities and Healthcare
  10. Public Choices, Public Goods, and Common Resources
  11. Consumer Choice and Demand
  12. Production and Cost
  13. Perfect Competition
  14. Monopoly
  15. Monopolistic Competition
  16. Oligopoly
  17. Markets for Factors of Production
  18. Economic Inequality

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