Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (September 18, 2020) © 2021

  • Jane Rice

eTextbook on Pearson+

ISBN-13: 9780136873600 (2020 update)

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Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professionals gives you a solid foundation in the technical language of modern medicine. It combines the study of word parts, key body systems and techniques for interpreting any medical term. Concise coverage of body systems, along with related abbreviations, pharmaceuticals and diagnostic and lab tests, provides context and direct applications.

The Rice word-building method stresses the essential rules of learning and applying medical terms. Building Your Medical Vocabulary sections group together terms containing the same prefix, word root or combining form. Combining Forms Tables with meanings in each body system chapter spotlight the roots of key terms associated with each system. Practical exercises challenge you to apply your understanding of word-building to medical record analysis.

The 10th Edition has been updated throughout with new art, expanded review segments and current trends and research in healthcare today.

  1. Introduction to Medical Terminology
  2. Suffixes and Prefixes
  3. Organization of the Body
  4. Integumentary System
  5. Skeletal System
  6. Muscular System
  7. Digestive System
  8. Cardiovascular System
  9. Blood and Lymphatic System
  10. Respiratory System
  11. Urinary System
  12. Endocrine System
  13. Nervous System
  14. Special Senses: The Ear
  15. Special Senses: The Eye
  16. Female Reproductive System with an Overview of Obstetrics
  17. Male Reproductive System
  18. Mental Health


  1. Answer Key
  2. Glossary of Word Parts
  3. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols

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