Medical-Surgical Nursing Care, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (December 31, 2014) © 2016

  • Karen M. Burke Education Consultant Astoria, Oregon
  • Priscilla T LeMone University of Missouri & Columbia (retired)
  • Elaine Mohn-Brown Education Consultant for the Oregon State Board of Nursing
  • Linda Eby Education Consultant for the Oregon State Board of Nursing



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Chapter Openers Help Focus Students on Important Information

  • Brief Outlines preview what the chapter will cover for quick access and review.
  • NEW! Applied Learning Outcomes identify what you can expect to learn from each chapter and apply that learning when caring for patients.
  • Key Terms are listed alphabetically, with page numbers, at the beginning of the chapter. They are also boldfaced and defined where they first appear in the text.
  • Special Features highlight nursing care plans, clinical reasoning care maps, and other features that assist with learning chapter content.

Highlights within Each Chapter Help Students Stay on Track

  • NEW! Focus on Diversity boxes and Cultural Care Strategies build on the foundation for culturally sensitive nursing care.
  • NEW! Key Concepts help students identify and focus on important concepts and develop an understanding of patient needs.
  • NEW! Memory Alerts provide cues, ideas, or alternate ways of thinking about a concept to help the student learn and remember important information.
  • NEW! Safety Alerts help the student recognize threats to patients’ safety.
  • NEW! Nursing Care sections throughout the book stress the nurse’s responsibilities for promoting health, establishing priorities, and recognizing critical complications.
  • Patient Teaching and Population Focus boxes provide information on age-specific and other special needs of patient groups and help you prepare for patient instruction.
  • Giving Medications Safely tables highlight nursing implications and patient teaching for drugs commonly used to treat particular disorders.
  • Assessment boxes summarize data collected and manifestations students may observe.
  • Critical Thinking Questions allow students to apply new knowledge to a specific patient.

Comprehensive Review at the End of Each Chapter Ensures Students Grasp Key Concepts

  • Key Points provide a reminder of need-to-know information and concepts.
  • NEW! Clinical Reasoning Care Maps at the end of each disorders chapter have added a question about identifying patient safety risks and prioritizing nursing interventions to address the risk.
  • Pearson Nursing Student Resources lead you to additional materials at including NCLEX-PN® style review questions, case studies, and more!
  • NCLEX-PN® Exam Preparation includes a Test-Taking Tip with a focused study hint and NCLEX-PN®-style questions for review and test practice, with both traditional and alternative formats.
  • REVISED! Thinking Strategically About… sectionspromote clinical reasoning and to provide practice in prioritizing and managing nursing care.

New Information Keeps Students Up-to-Date with Important Nursing Concepts

  • REVISED! Unit 1 focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the LPN/LVN including legal/ethical guidelines and settings of care in which the LPN/LVN commonly works.
  • NEW! Chapter 1 introduces and elaborates on quality and safety in nursing, provision of evidence-based nursing care, and essential competencies for nurses.
  • REVISED! Chapter 10, Caring for Patients Having Surgery has a new focus on patient safety, National Patient Safety Goals, and effective communication during hand-offs.
  • REVISED! The unit on Mental Health Disorders has been updated per DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition).
  • Applied Learning Outcomes identify what you can expect to learn from each chapter and apply that learning when caring for patients.
  • Focus on Diversity boxes and Cultural Care Strategies build on the foundation for culturally sensitive nursing care.
  • Key Concepts help students identify and focus on important concepts and develop an understanding of patient needs.
  • Memory Alerts provide cues, ideas, or alternate ways of thinking about a concept to help the student learn and remember important information.
  • Safety Alerts help the student recognize threats to patients’ safety.
  • Nursing Care sections throughout the book stress the nurse’s responsibilities for promoting health, establishing priorities, and recognizing critical complications.
  • Clinical Reasoning Care Maps at the end of each disorders chapter have added a question about identifying patient safety risks and prioritizing nursing interventions to address the risk.
  • Chapter 1 introduces and elaborates on quality and safety in nursing, provision of evidence-based nursing care, and essential competencies for nurses.

I: Introduction to Medical–Surgical Nursing

1. Nursing in the 21st Century

2. Health, Illness, and Settings of Care

3. Cultural and Developmental Considerations for Adults

4. The Older Adult in Health and Illness

5. Guidelines for Patient Assessment

6. Essential Nursing Pharmacology

II: Foundations of Medical–Surgical Nursing

7. Caring for Patients With Altered Fluid, Electrolyte, or Acid–Base Balance

8. Caring for Patients in Pain

9. Caring for Patients With Inflammation and Infection

10. Caring for Patients Having Surgery

11. Caring for Patients With Altered Immunity

12. Caring for Patients With Cancer

13. Loss, Grief, and End-of-Life Care

14. Caring for Patients Experiencing Shock, Trauma, or Disasters

III: Disrupted Cardiovascular Function

15. The Cardiovascular System and Assessment

16. Caring for Patients With Coronary Heart Disease and Dysrhythmias

17. Caring for Patients With Cardiac Disorders

18. Caring for Patients With Peripheral Vascular Disorders

IV: Disrupted Hematologic and Lymphatic Function

19. The Hematologic Assessment

20. Caring for Patients With Hematologic and Lymphatic Disorders

V: Disrupted Respiratory Function

21. The Respiratory System and Assessment

22. Caring for Patients With Upper Respiratory Disorders

23. Caring for Patients With Lower Respiratory Disorders

VI: Disrupted Gastrointestinal Function

24. The Gastrointestinal System and Assessment

25. Caring for Patients With Nutritional and Upper  Gastrointestinal Disorders

26. Caring for Patients With Bowel Disorders

27. Caring for Patients With Gallbladder, Liver, and Pancreatic Disorders

VII: Disrupted Urinary Function

28. The Urinary System and Assessment

29. Caring for Patients Tract Disorders

VIII: Disrupted Reproductive Function

30. The Reproductive System and Assessment

31. Caring for Male Patients With Reproductive System Disorders

32. Caring for Female Patients With Reproductive System Disorders

33. Caring for Patients With Sexually Transmitted Infections

IX: Disrupted Endocrine Function

34. The Endocrine System and Assessment

35. Caring for Patients With Endocrine Disorders

36. Caring for Patients With Diabetes Mellitus

X: Disrupted Neurologic Function

37. The Nervous System and Assessment

38. Caring for Patients With Intracranial Disorders

39. Caring for Patients With Degenerative Neurologic and Spinal Cord Disorders

40. Caring for Patients With Eye and Ear Disorders

XI: Disrupted Musculoskeletal Function

41. The Musculoskeletal System and Assessment

42. Caring for Patients With Musculoskeletal Trauma

43. Caring for Patients With Musculoskeletal Disorders

XII: Disrupted Integumentary Function

44. The Integumentary System and Assessment

45. Caring for Patients With Skin Disorders

46. Caring for Patients With Burns

XIII: Mental Health Disorders

47. Mental Health and Assessment

48. Caring for Patients With Neurocognitive Disorders

49. Caring Disorders

50. Caring for Patients With Mood Disorders

51. Caring for Patients With Anxiety Disorders

52. Caring for Patients With Personality Disorders

53. Caring for Patients With Substance Use Disorders

Karen M. Burke, RN, MS

Karen M. Burke is a nursing education consultant with experience as a nurse educator, program director, and nursing education program manager for the Oregon State Board of Nursing. She obtained her initial nursing education at Emanuel Hospital School of Nursing in Portland, Oregon, later completing baccalaureate studies at Oregon Health & Sciences University and a master’s degree at University of Portland. Ms. Burke has extensive clinical nursing experience in acute care and community-based settings, as well as more than 25 years of experience in nursing education.

As a nurse educator, Ms. Burke is known as a leader and an innovator. She has been actively involved in nursing education in Oregon, participating in the development of the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education (OCNE), an educational consortium of a public university and local community colleges to develop and deliver a competency-based nursing curriculum that prepares graduates for practice in a rapidly changing health care environment. She also has been active in helping to develop innovative clinical models. Ms. Burke values the nursing profession and believes in the importance of a strong education in the art and science of nursing for all students entering the profession. Her commitment to access to quality education and health care has led to service on the boards of directors for Clatsop Community College and Clatsop Care Center Health District, as well as Supporters of the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education (SOCNE).

Ms. Burke and her husband Steve love to garden, travel, and spend time with their extended family. Ms. Burke also enjoys a passion for quilting and accumulating and gradually completing multiple UFOs (unfinished objects).

Elaine L. Mohn-Brown, RN, EdD, CMSRN

Elaine L. Mohn-Brown received her diploma in nursing from Akron General Medical Center School of Nursing in Akron, Ohio. She has baccalaureate and master’s degrees in nursing and health education from Metropolitan State College, United States University, and University of Northern Colorado, and a doctor of education degree in higher education administration from Brigham Young University. She has worked in critical care units in Ohio and Colorado. She holds current national certification in medical–surgical nursing.

Her first teaching position was as a practical nursing instructor at Larimer County Vocational-Technical Center in Colorado. For the past 35 years, she has been on the faculty of the ADN Program at Chemeketa Community College in Salem, Oregon. Through thought-provoking classroom presentations and hands-on acute care medical–surgical experiences, she encourages students to question, use critical thinking skills, and understand the rationale for their nursing care. She has implemented an extensive orientation program for novice nursing faculty at Chemeketa Community College. In 2005 she developed Clinical Teaching in Oregon, a DVD to educate new clinical nursing faculty, and in 2009 she coauthored an online nursing faculty orientation program for several Oregon ADN programs.

Dr. Mohn-Brown serves as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Nurse Educator and has been a program evaluator for the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. She has published nationally and conducts workshops at the national and international level.

Her love of nursing and teaching has taken her to numerous international and national conferences. When not working, she and her husband, Gene, spend time traveling. She enjoys photography, flower gardening, and needle arts.

Linda Eby, RN, MN

Linda Eby received her baccalaureate and master’s degrees in nursing from Oregon Health and Sciences University. She has 39 years of experience in nursing. Her nursing practice has been in critical care, home health/hospice, and psychiatric mental health nursing. As a clinical nurse specialist in clinical genetics, she coordinated the Prenatal Genetics Clinic at OHSU. As a member of the Portland Community College Federation of Faculty and Academic Professionals, she serves as an advocate for the rights of education employees and students.

Ms. Eby has been teaching nursing at the community college level for 29 years. Her current teaching areas are nursing fundamentals, diabetes care, transcultural nursing, cardiovascular nursing, and psychiatric mental health nursing. Her special teaching interest is students who are non-native speakers of English. She is the coordinator of aNursing Student Success Program, which serves these as well as immigrant students, and other nontraditional students. She has consulted and conducted workshops on teaching diverse students of nursing. In 2012 she traveled to Africa to study the evolution of culture and nursing care in the third world. Fortunately, she has two wonderful daughters, Kate and Monica, a partner named John, a good dog named Benito, and a garden to provide balance in her life.

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