MATLAB for Engineers, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (February 7, 2022) © 2023

  • Holly Moore


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For courses in engineering.

Start at the beginning to introduce students to MATLAB

MATLAB® For Engineers meets first-year engineering students at their level of mathematical and computer sophistication. Starting with basic algebra, it shows how MATLAB can be used to solve a wide range of engineering problems. Examples are drawn from concepts introduced in early chemistry, physics, and first- and second-year engineering classes. A consistent problem-solving methodology helps students grasp the concepts and work through hands-on examples and exercises.

The 6th Edition reflects the MATLAB software release R2021B, with updated screenshots, data, problems and discussions.

Hallmark features of this title

Practical organization

  • Starts with basic algebra and shows how MATLAB® can be used to solve engineering problems from a wide range of disciplines.
  • Sections progress from MATLAB basics, to programming in MATLAB, to advanced MATLAB concepts.
  • Brief backgrounds introduce new subjects like statistics and matrix algebra. Optional calculus and differential equations sections can be used for students with more advanced math backgrounds.

Hands-on learning

  • A consistent problem-solving methodology shows students how to approach a problem and reach the solution.
  • Practice exercises and examples of varying levels of difficulty are included in every chapter to test, reinforce and use new skills.

New and updated features of this title

Reflects MATLAB® R2021b

  • UPDATED: Coverage updated for MATLAB®R2021b and the use of subfunctions and functions in MATLAB programs.
  • UPDATED: Emphasis on live Scripts. Both scripts (M-files) and live scripts (MLX-files) are used to illustrate how to perform tasks in examples, practice exercises and homework problems.
  • UPDATED: String data type is prioritized over character arrays. Cell arrays of character arrays are still included in the text so that students will understand the program structures when they see it in legacy code.
  • UPDATED: Emphasis on tables as the primary storage medium for data sets containing multiple data types.
  • REVISED: Screenshots match the appearance of the software's recent update.

Offers current data and new exercises

  • NEW: Problems have been added and existing problems revised based on feedback from trusted educators and their students. Updated data reflects current values (e.g., ACE hurricane information now includes data through 2021).

NEW: MyLab Engineering for the 6th Edition (available for Fall 2024 classes)

  • Over 400 edition-specific MATLAB assignments with automated assessment provide students with real-time feedback. Students’ code submissions are recorded in the MyLab gradebook, helping them practice essential coding skills without creating extra review work for you.
  • Author-created lecture videos help students understand chapter concepts and walk them through examples.
  • MATLAB starting files are provided in the Multimedia Library for students to work through the practice exercises.
  • Excel and Data starting files that are used in a number of examples and homework problems are available in the Multimedia Library.
  • A powerful Gradebook helps you keep an eye on performance. Get detailed insight into each student’s progress so you can intervene as needed and help the class stay on track.
  1. About MATLAB
  2. MATLAB Environment
  3. Built-In MATLAB Functions
  4. Manipulating MATLAB
  5. Plotting
  6. User-Defined Functions
  7. User-Controlled Input and Output
  8. Logical Functions and Selection Structures
  9. Repetition Structures
  10. Matrix Algebra
  11. Other Kinds of Arrays
  12. Symbolic Mathematics
  13. Numerical Techniques
  14. Advanced Graphics
  15. Simulink: A Brief Introduction


  1. Special Characters, Commands, and Functions
  2. Scaling Techniques
  3. Annual Climatological Summary

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