Mastering Public Speaking, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (July 9, 2021) © 2019

  • George L. Grice Radford University
  • Daniel H. Mansson Penn State Hazleton
  • John F. Skinner San Antonio College

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ISBN-13: 9780137496105 (2021 update)

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Mastering Public Speaking engages you in the principles, practice and ethics of public speaking, both as a speaker and a listener. In order to help you become a successful speaker, authors George Grice, John Skinner and Daniel Mansson identify the key ingredients of effective speeches: sensitive audience analysis, adequate research, clear organization and dynamic delivery.

The 10th Edition includes new speech examples and updated content to reflect how technology and the proliferation of social media has impacted the state of public speaking. This edition also offers a more focused overview of persuasive speaking as well as enhanced coverage of developing persuasive arguments. Three new student speeches, including a eulogy sample, provide examples of effective speaking.

1. An Introduction to Public Speaking
2. The Ethics of Public Speaking
3. Speaking with Confidence
4. Listening
5. Analyzing Your Audience
6. Selecting Your Speech Topic
7. Researching Your Speech Topic
8. Organizing the Body of Your Speech
9. Supporting Your Speech
10. Introducing and Concluding Your Speech
11. Outlining Your Speech
12. Wording Your Speech
13. Delivering Your Speech
14. Using Presentational Aids
15. Speaking to Inform
16. Speaking to Persuade
17. Developing Persuasive Arguments
18. Speaking on Special Occasions

Appendix A. Giving and Receiving Feedback
Appendix B. Using an Audience Questionnaire
Appendix C. Developing and Delivering Team Presentations
Appendix D. The Question-Answer Period
Appendix E. Sample Speeches

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