Management of Organizational Behavior, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (July 18, 2012) © 2013

  • Paul Hersey California American University
  • Kenneth H. Blanchard Cornell University
  • Dewey E. Johnson (Formerly of) California State University, Fresno

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles
For undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Organizational Behavior, Leadership, and Organizational Development.

Forty years in the making, Management of Organizational Behavior is a readable text that makes behavioral sciences come alive through real life examples and progressive ideology.

For undergraduate and graduate-level courses in Organizational Behavior, Leadership, and Organizational Development.

Forty years in the making, Management of Organizational Behavior is a readable text that makes behavioral sciences come alive through real life examples and progressive ideology.


  • For over forty years, Hersey and Blanchard have offered students some of the most significant theory and research developed by thought leaders in behavioral science.
  • This text presents the most relevant research findings from the behavioral sciences, with insights gained through working with clients around the world.
  • The tenth edition includes concepts and theories that have stood the test of time, as well as emergent trends that are transforming our workplaces as rapidly as our technologies.  
The tenth edition includes new content on key topics:

•       Motivation: Emergence of the progress motive, renewal of the purpose motive (2-4)

•       Emotional intelligence: Cultivating your self-awareness as a leader (11-2, 11-5, 15-2)

•       Teams: Building the collective EQ of your team (13-7)

•       Communication: Gender and generational differences; when conversations falter (12-16)

•       Decision Making: How brain structure and contexts impact decisions (15-3)

•       Performance Management: Balanced scorecard metrics, feedforward (14-8)

•       Leadership: Strengths and myths (4-20)

Chapter 1  Management: An Applied Behavioral Sciences Approach    

The Purpose of Management   

The Impact of These Trends   

Organizations as Sources of Competitive Advantage   

The Challenges of Leading an Organization  

Distinctions between Management and Leadership   

Management Defined   

Leadership Defined   

Are Management and Leadership Really Necessary?   

Three Competencies of Leadership   

Management Process   

Skills of a Manager   

Organizations as Social Systems   

Ingredients for Effective Human Skills   

Understanding Behavior   

Predicting Behavior     

Directing, Changing, and Influencing Behavior   

Learning to Apply Behavioral Science Theory   

Chapter 2  Motivation and Behavior   

Theories of Behavior   

Goal-Oriented Behavior     



Motive Strength   

Changes in Motive Strength   

Categories of Activities   

Motives, Goals, and Activities   

Expectancy Theory   


Hierarchy of Needs   

Motivational Research   

Physiological Needs     

Safety Needs   

Social Needs   

Esteem Needs     

Self-Actualization Needs   

Chapter 3  Motivating   

The Hawthorne Studies Elton Mayo    

Theory X and Theory Y Douglas McGregor      

Informal Work Groups George C. Homans      

Increasing Interpersonal Competence Chris Argyris       

Argyris’s Immaturity-Maturity Theory   

Motivation-Hygiene Theory Frederick Herzberg      

Hygiene Factors   


The Relationship of Herzberg’s Theory to Maslow’s Theory   

Job Enrichment   


Chapter 4  Leadership: An Initial Perspective   

Leadership Defined   

The Vision into Performance Model   

The ACHIEVE Model   


Using the ACHIEVE Model   

Legacies of the Past   

Schools of Organizational Theory   

Scientific Management Movement—Frederick Winslow Taylor     

Human Relations Movement—Elton Mayo   

Trait Approaches to Leadership   

Negative Leadership Traits   

Attitudinal Approaches   

Ohio State Leadership Studies   

Michigan Leadership Studies   

Group Dynamics Studies   

Rensis Likert’s Management Systems     

Theory into Practice     

The Leadership Grid®—Robert R. Blake and Anne Adams McCanse   

Is There a Best Style of Leadership?   


Chapter 5  Leadership: Situational Approaches   

Situational Approaches to Leadership   

Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum of Leader Behavior     

Fiedler’s Contingency Model   

House-Mitchell Path-Goal Theory   

Vroom-Yetton Contingency Model     

Hersey-Blanchard Tridimensional Leader Effectiveness Model     

Effectiveness Dimension   


What about Consistency?    

Attitude versus Behavior   


Chapter 6  Determining Effectiveness   

Management Effectiveness versus Leadership Effectiveness   

Successful Leadership versus Effective Leadership   

What Determines Organizational Effectiveness?  

Causal Variables   

Intervening Variables     

Output, or End Result, Variables     

Long-Term Goals versus Short-Term Goals     

Organizational Dilemma   

Participation and Effectiveness   

Management by Objectives   

Style and Effectiveness   

Chapter 7  Situational Leadership®   

Situational Leadership®   

The Center for Leadership Studies    

Basic Concept of Situational Leadership®    

Performance Readiness® of the Followers or Group    

Performance Readiness® Defined   

Going from R1 to R2 to R3   

Selecting Appropriate Styles   

Matching Performance Readiness® Level 1 with Leadership Style 1—Telling   

Matching Performance Readiness® Level 2 with Leadership Style 2—Selling     

Matching Performance Readiness® Level 3 with Leadership Style 3—Participating     

Matching Performance Readiness® Level 4 with Leadership Style 4—Delegating     

Appropriate Leadership Styles   

Application of Situational Leadership®   

Determining Appropriate Style   

Effective Task Statements   

Direction of Performance Readiness® Change     

Instruments to Measure Performance Readiness®     

Components of Leadership Style   

Chapter 8  Situational Leadership®: The Perception, and Impact of Power   

Power Defined   

Position Power and Personal Power   

Selling within Your Own Organization     

Additional Bases of Power   

The Perception of Power     

Get the Information Out     

Performance Readiness®, Styles, and Power Bases    

Coercive Power—The Perceived Ability to Provide Sanctions, Punishment, or Consequences for Not Performing    

Connection Power—The Perceived Association of the Leader with Influential Persons or Organizations   

Reward Power—The Perceived Ability to Provide Things That People Would Like to Have   

Legitimate Power—The Perception That It Is Appropriate for the Leader to Make Decisions because of Title, Role, or Position in the Organization    

Referent Power—The Perceived Attractiveness of Interacting with the Leader   

Information Power—The Perceived Access to, or Possession of, Useful Information    

Expert Power—The Perception That the Leader Has Relevant Education, Experience, and Expertise   

Is There a Best Type of Power?   

Power Bases and Performance Readiness® Level   

Integrating Power Bases, Performance Readiness Level, and Leadership Style through Situational Leadership®   

The Situational Use of Power   

Developing Sources of Power     

Sources of Power   

Eroding Sources of Power     

Do You Want Power?   

Other Views on Differences between Men and Women Managers   

What about Empowerment?   

The Power Perception Profile   

Development of the Power Perception Profile    

Uses of the Power Perception Profile   

Chapter 9  Situational Leadership®: Training and Development   

Increasing Effectiveness   

Breaking the Ineffective Cycle   

Developmental Cycle   

What’s in It for the Manager?   

What Do We Want to Influence?     

How Is the Person Doing Now?     

Determining Performance Readiness®     

Increasing Performance Readiness®     

Successive Approximations   

Time and the Developmental Cycle   

Chapter 10  The Situational Leader and Constructive Discipline   

The Regressive Cycle   

Relationship between Ability and Willingness in the Developmental and Regressive Cycles   

Some Things to Remember When Disciplining an Individual   

Making the Intervention Timely   

Varying the Emotional Level     

Focusing on Performance     

Be Specific; Do Your Homework    

Keep It Private   

Punishment and Negative Reinforcement     


When to Use Punishment or Extinction     

An Example of Using Behavior Modification   

Problems and Their Ownership—Who’s Got the Problem?   

Problem Ownership and Situational Leadership®   

Positive Discipline   


Chapter 11  Self-Awareness and Leadership Style

Leadership and Self-Awareness

Johari Window   



Building Self-Perception through the LEAD Feedback 

Leadership Style

Style Range, or Flexibility

Style Adaptability

Flexibility: A Question of Willingness

Is There Only One Appropriate Styles?

Self-Perception Versus Style

Is it too late?

LEAD Profile Results   


Two-Style Profile     

Wide Flexibility   

Reference to Situational Leadership®    

Style Profile 1-2     

Style Profile 1-3     

Style Profile 1-4    

Style Profile 2-3     • 

Style Profile 2-4   

Style Profile 3-4   

Determining the Leadership Style of a Manager

Contracting for Leadership Style   

Adding the Contracting Process    

An Example—Contracting for Leadership Styles in a School     

Using the Performance Readiness® Style Match   


Chapter 12  Effective Communication   

How Important Is Effective Communication?   

Communication Models   

The Linear Model   

The Interactional Model      

The Transactional Model     

Active Listening     

Pacing,  Then Leading    

How to Test for Rapport   

Organizational Communication   

Patterns of Communication   

Is There a “Best” Pattern of Communication?   

Gender and Generational Communication Differences

Communication Across Cultures           

When Communication Falters


Chapter 13  Leading Effective Teams   

Teams as a Competitive Strategy   

Definitions and Distinctions

Team Basics

Obstacles to Effective Team Performance   

Lack of Emotional Intelligence

Lack of Leadership Skill

Leadership in a Team Environment   

Team Problem-Solving Modes   

Helping and Hindering Roles   

S1 (HT/LR) Competency   

S2 (HT/HR) Competency   

S3 (HR/LT) Competency   

S4 (LR/LT) Competency   


Chapter 14  Implementing Situational Leadership®: Managing Performance   

Defining Organizational Performance   

Managing Individual Performance

Feedback and the 360 Degree Assessment Process   

Performance Management Using the ACHIEVE Model   


Chapter 15  Implementing Situational Leadership®: Building Commitments  

How Your Brain Makes Decisions   

Decision Making in Context

Decision Style

Decision Making and Leader Latitude   

Building Commitments   

Commitment to the Customer   

Commitment to the Organization     

Commitment to Self   

Commitment to People     

Commitment to the Task     

Managerial Excellence   

Chapter 16  Planning and Implementing Change    

General Framework for Understanding Change   

Diagnosis (Why Change?)     

Implementation – Getting from Here to There    

Lewin’s Change Process

Force Field Analysis

Schein’s Psychological Safety

First-Order and Second-Order Change

Change Cycles

Levels of Change    

Participative Change 

Directive Change 

Is There a “Best” Strategy for Change? 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Change Cycles  

Change Process – Some Examples    


Chapter 17  Leadership Strategies for Organizational Transformations   

Characteristics of Organizational Transformation    

Transformational Leadership   

Personal Commitment to the Transformation by the Leadership    

Firm, Relentless, and Indisputable Communication of the Impossibility of Managing the Status Quo   

Clear and Enthusiastic Communication of an Inspiring Vision of what the Organization Could Become    

Timely Establishment of a Critical Mass of Support for the Transformation   

Acknowledging, Honoring, and Dealing With Resistance to the Transformation

Defining and Setting Up an Organization That Can Implement the Vision  

Regular Communication of Information about Progress and Giving Recognition and Reward for Achievements

No One “Ideal” Way for Organization Transformation    

Organizational Readiness for Transformation  

Transformational Leadership Actions  

Transformation Leadership Strategies   

The Situational Leadership® for Transformation Model  

Power Bases for Transformation Leadership  


Chapter 18  The Organizational Cone



Vision Triggers

Focusing and Directing the Energy

Mission, Purpose and Stakeholders

Strategy, Mindset and Culture

Goals, Processes and Team Spirit

Roles, Tasks and Relations

The Organizational Cone Model

Management – Position Power – Compliance

Leadership – Personal Power – Commitment

Alignment and Attunement in a Chaotic Environment

Time Frame and Room for Creativity

Quality – Customer Expectation and Perception















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