Linking Assessment to Instruction in Multi-Tiered Models: A Teacher's Guide to Selecting, Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Interventions, 1st edition
Published by Pearson (July 16, 2012) © 2013
- John J. Hoover
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- Speaks directly to the classroom teacher by showing them which evidence-based interventions should be attempted in multi-tiered models prior to referral to special education.
- Links achievement data with evidence-based interventions so teachers know how to adjust their instruction once assessment information is available.
- Covers reading, writing, and mathematics interventions in a single volume so teachers have numerous, structured instruction strategies right at their fingertips.
- Includes chapter overviews, key terms, and numerous figures, tables, charts and guides to make strategies more applicable.
- Offers 96 interventions to use in multi-tiered instruction including:
            o      16 proven classroom and instructional management techniques
            o      27 evidence-based reading, writing, mathematics structured interventions
            o      30 proven student study skills and strategies
            o      23 research-based reading, writing, mathematics curricula to meet learning needs
PART I – Framework, Process and Collaboration in Multi-tiered Instructional Models
Chapter 1: Structure of Multi-Tiered Instructional Models
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Overview of Multi-Tiered Instructional Models
Chapter 2: Â Process of Multi-Tiered Instructional Models
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Multi-Tiered Instructional Delivery Process
Multi-Tiered Assessment Process
Interpreting Achievement Data Scores
Framework for Making Instructional Adjustments
Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring Example: AIMSweb
Chapter 3: Collaboration to Implement Instructional Adjustments
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Collaboration Model
Facilitating Change
Part II: Reading, Writing, and Mathematics InterventionsÂ
Chapter 4: Evidence-Based Reading Practices
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Foundations of Reading Instruction
Reading Interventions
Research-Based Comprehensive Reading Programs
Teacher and Student Strategies for Differentiated Reading Instruction
Chapter 5: Evidence-Based Writing Practices
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Writing as a Process
Foundational Elements of Effective Writing
Writing Interventions
Comprehensive Writing Programs
Strategies for Differentiated Writing Instruction
Chapter 6: Evidence-Based Mathematics Practices
Chapter Overview/Key Terms
Foundation of Mathematics Instruction
Mathematics and Use of Mental Processes
Evidence-Based Mathematics Instruction
Comprehensive Mathematics Instructional Support Programs
Strategies for Differentiated Mathematics Instruction
Concluding Remarks: Meeting the Classroom Challenges of Multi-Tiered Instruction
Dr. John J. Hoover is Associate Research Professor in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder specializing in multicultural special education instruction and assessment. He is a former special education teacher and supervisor instructing students with learning, intellectual and emotional disabilities in grades K-12. He also has numerous years of administrative and supervisory experiences in research and teacher training in multicultural and special education over that past 30 years. His work in the field of education is well-documented as he has over 65 publications in multicultural, special and general education. Since 2008, Dr. Hoover has authored or co-authored 4 journal articles, 4 books, and 3 textbook chapters in addition to delivering numerous workshop and conference sessions on multi-tiered response to intervention addressing the interrelated topics of evidence-based interventions, RTI and special education, progress monitoring data collection, and school RTI team decision-making. Recent publications include: Early Reading Assessment Diagnostic Test (2012, Pro-Ed) Response to intervention: Curricular implications and interventions (2011, Pearson); RTI assessment essentials for struggling learners (2009, Corwin Press); and Differentiating learning differences from disabilities: Meeting diverse needs through multi-tiered response to intervention (2009, Pearson).
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